Siddharta Rodriguez Rodriguez

Siddharta Rodriguez Rodriguez

MA Student

Gender Studies

People Directory Affiliation Category

Supervisor: Elizabeth Brulé
Research interests: Architecture and urbanism, gender and space, inclusive design, intersectionality in design processes, participatory design, feminist theory, gender and social justice.

I am an architect graduated from Tecnológico de Monterrey, Estado de México, Mexico, and I’m currently pursuing a Master's in the Department of Gender Studies at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario.
My investigation aims to understand the daily experiences and violence Mexican women go through when using public transportation in Mexico City. Moreover, my research explores how the design of public spaces can perpetuate gender-based violence, linking individuals' identities to how they experience the places that they transit.
I advocate for incorporating more equitable ways of designing spaces into architectural practices. I firmly believe that when it comes to thinking about social change, physical places, like urban spaces, matter.