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Bader College Information Session Series

Jacob Turcotte
Bader College
Gordon Hall, Welcome Centre

Curious about studying abroad during your time at Queen’s? Bader College, Queen’s UK castle campus, is a great opportunity to get out and study abroad while earning Queen’s credit!
Join us for an upcoming Study Abroad with Bader College information session and learn how you can take advantage of Bader College’s Upper Year Programs with small class sizes, hands-on experiential learning trips, graduate-style instruction, and research opportunities. Plus we’ll share the details on our New Castle Summer+ History Cluster and funding available for history students!
Sign up or drop in for an in-Person Info Session in Gordon Hall’s Welcome Centre (2nd Floor) at 3:00PM Oct. 20, 27 or Nov. 10!
Can’t join us at Gordon Hall? No worries, we’re hosting online info sessions on Oct. 12 & Nov. 3 at 6:00PM. Register for an online session here.
Check our website to learn about our Upper Year programs or send us your questions

Department of History, Queen's University

49 Bader Lane, Watson Hall 212
Kingston ON K7L 3N6


Please note that the Department of History phone line is not monitored at all times. Please leave a voicemail or email and we will contact you as soon as we can.



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