Jenna Healey is a historian of medicine, whose research focuses on the intersection of twentieth-century medicine, gender, technology, and health policy. Her current book project, On Time: Age, Technology, and Reproduction in Modern America, explores the temporal politics of reproduction through a history of the so-called biological clock. She has also written about the history of childlessness and reproductive activism in the United States.
As the Hannah Chair in the History of Medicine at Queen’s, Dr. Healey is responsible for integrating history into the undergraduate medical curriculum.
- “Rejecting Reproduction: The National Organization for Non-Parents and Childfree Activism in 1970s America,” Journal of Women’s History 28, no. 1(Spring 2016): 131-156.
- with Sofie Lachapelle, “On Hans, Zou and Others: Wonder Animals and the Question of Animal Intelligence in Early Twentieth-Century France,” Studies in the History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41, no. 1 (March 2010): 12-20.
Online Publications
- “Bluetooth Babies: Reproductive Technology in the Information Age,” Technology’s Stories, Special Issue on Reproductive Technologies, December 11 2016.
- “Babies in Your 30s? Don’t Worry, Your Great-Grandma Did it Too,” The Conversation (reprinted in The Washington Post), December 19, 2014.
- “What Difference Does a Chromosome Make?” Cosmologics: A Magazine of Science, Religion and Culture, October 6, 2014.
- History of Medicine
- History of Technology
- Gender and Reproduction