Christine Sypnowich penned the lead piece of this week’s Boston Review forum, “Is Equal Opportunity Enough?”. In the piece, Christine argues that, “Being serious about equality means aiming to ensure we all live equally flourishing lives – not merely that we have the chance to do so”. The forum features replies from philosophers Gina Schouten, Martin O'Neill, Nicholas Vrousalis, Anne Phillips, William M. Paris, Leah Gordon, Claude S. Fischer, Zofia Stemplowska, Lane Kenworthy, John Roemer, and Ravi Kanbur, and a final reply from Christine.
Christine was interviewed about the piece by Ben Burgis for an event co-hosted by the Boston Review and The Philosopher, a recording of which is now available on YouTube. Burgis then wrote about the discussion on Philosophy for the People with Ben Burgis.
Christine was interviewed about the piece for the Boston Review’s “From the Editors” newsletter.
It was also the focus of a recent episode of What's Left of Philosophy, titled What's Left of Equality? Between Opportunity and Flourishing.
For Christine’s piece and links to the responses, click the button below.
Christine Sypnowich | “Is Equal Opportunity Enough?” | Boston Review Forum