Soils: The Final Frontier: Resources (2006)

Some potentially interesting references

Journal papers:

  1. Schimel, J.P. and M.N. Weintraub, The implications of exoenzyme activity on microbial carbon and nitrogen limitation in soil: A theoretical model. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2003. 35(4): p. 549-563.
  2. Schimel, J.P. and J. Bennett, Nitrogen mineralization: Challenges of a changing paradigm. Ecology, 2004. 85(3): p. 591-602.
  3. Schimel, J.P. and J. Gulledge, Microbial community structure and global trace gases. Global Change Biology, 1998. 4(7): p. 745-758.
  4. Biasi, C., et al., Temperature-dependent shift from labile to recalcitrant carbon sources of arctic heterotrophs. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2005. 19(11): p. 1401-1408.
  5. Hodge, A., C.D. Campbell, and A.H. Fitter, An arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus accelerates decomposition and acquires nitrogen directly from organic material. Nature, 2001. 413(6853): p. 297-299.
  6. Wardle, D.A., et al., Ecological linkages between aboveground and belowground biota. Science, 2004. 304(5677): p. 1629-1633.
  7. Shaver, G.R., et al., Global Change and the Carbon Balance of Arctic Ecosystems. Bioscience, 1992. 42(6): p. 433-441.
  8. Mack, M.C., et al., Ecosystem carbon storage in arctic tundra reduced by long-term nutrient fertilization. Nature, 2004. 431(7007): p. 440-443.
  9. McKane, R.B., et al., Resource-based niches provide a basis for plant species diversity and dominance in arctic tundra. Nature, 2002. 415(6867): p. 68-71.
  10. Knops, J.M.H. and D. Tilman, Dynamics of soil nitrogen and carbon accumulation for 61 years after agricultural abandonment. Ecology, 2000. 81(1): p. 88-98.
  11. Van Cleve, K., et al., Element Cycling in Taiga Forests - State-Factor Control. Bioscience, 1991. 41(2): p. 78-88.
  12. Read, D.J., R. Francis, and R.D. Finlay, Mycorrhizal mycelia and nutrient cycling in plant communities, in Ecological interactions in soil: plants, microbes and animals., A.H. Fitter, et al., Editors. 1985, Blackwell Scientific Publications; Oxford; UK. p. 193-217.
  13. Vitousek, P.M. and R.W. Howarth, Nitrogen Limitation on Land and in the Sea - How Can It Occur. Biogeochemistry, 1991. 13(2): p. 87-115.
  14. Lloyd, J. and J.A. Taylor, On the Temperature-Dependence of Soil Respiration. Functional Ecology, 1994. 8(3): p. 315-323.
  15. Fierer, N., The diversity and biogeography of soil bacterial communities. PNAS, 2005.
  16. Clarholm, M., Interactions of Bacteria, Protozoa and Plants Leading to Mineralization of Soil-Nitrogen. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 1985. 17(2): p. 181-187.

Books, chapters:

  1. Chapin, F.S., III., P.A. Matson, and H.A. Mooney, Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology. 2002, New York: Springer. 436.
  2. Bardgett, R.D., M.B. Usher, and D.W. Hopkins, Biological Diversity and Function in Soils. Ecological Reviews. 2005: Cambridge University Press.
  3. Coleman, D.C., D.A.j. Crossley, and P.F. Hendrix, Fundamentals of Soil Ecology. 2nd ed. 2004, Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  4. Paul, E.A. and F.E. Clark, Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry. 2nd ed. 1996, San Diego: Academic Press. 340.
  5. Coleman, D.C., Through a ped darkly: an ecological assessment of root-soil-microbial-faunal interactions, in Ecological interactions in soil: plants, microbes and animals., A.H. Fitter, et al., Editors. 1985, Blackwell Scientific Publications; Oxford; UK. p. 1-21.
  6. Newman, E.I., The rhizosphere: carbon sources and microbial populations, in Ecological interactions in soil: plants, microbes and animals., A.H. Fitter, et al., Editors. 1985, Blackwell Scientific Publications; Oxford; UK. p. 107-121.
  7. Jeffrey, D.W., Soil-Plant Relationships: An Ecological Approach. 1987, London: Croom-Helm.
  8. Curl, E.A. and B. Truelove, The Rhizosphere. Advanced Series in Agricultural Sciences, ed. B. Yaron and BEt-Dagan. Vol. 15. 1986, Berlin: springer-Verlag.
  9. Jenny, H., Factors of Soil Formation: A System of Quantitative Pedology. Dover (2nd) ed. 1994, New York: Dover.
  10. Schlesinger, W.H., Biogeochemistry - An analysis of Global Change. Second edition ed. 1997, San Diego: Academic Press. 588.
  11. Richards, B.N., The Microbiology of Terrestrial Ecosystems. Science and Technology. 1987: Longman.
  12. Swift, M.J., Decomposition in Terrestrial Ecosystems. 1979, Oxford: Blackwell.
  13. Harte, J., Consider a Spherical Cow: A Course in Environmental Problem Solving. 1988: University Science Books.
  14. Brady, N.C., The Nature and Properties of Soils. 13 ed. 2001: Prentice Hall.

Methods of Soils Analysis Series, Soil Science Society of America

Additional references (added since start of course):

Jenny, H. The Soil Resource. Origin and Behaviour. Ecological Studies #37. 1980. Springer-Verlag.

Relevant primary research journals:

  • Applied Soil Ecology
  • Biogeochemistry
  • Biology and Fertility of Soils
  • Ecology
  • Ecological Applications
  • Ecosystems
  • European Journal of Soil Biology
  • Functional Ecology
  • Global Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Global Change Biology J
  • ournal of Ecology
  • Nature
  • Plant and Soil
  • Science
  • Soil Biology and Biochemistry
  • Soil Use and Management

Web sites:

Created 19th January 2006 by P. Grogan
Last Updated: 3rd February 2006