- Jacobsen, M. C., R. J. Charlson, et al. (2000). Earth System Science - From Biogeochemical Cycles to Global Change. Amsterdam, Academic Press. (On reserve)
- Schlesinger, W. H. (1997). Biogeochemistry - An Analysis of Global Change. San Diego, Academic Press. (On reserve)
- Solomon, S. et al. (2007). Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis . Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- Berner, J. et al. (2005). Arctic Climate Impact Assessment Scientific Report. (Library and online)
Previous Final Exams
Fall 2008
Differences among ecosystems (alvars, mature deciduous and coniferous forests, crop rotation agroecosystems, wetlands, bogs/fens); Research projects based at the nitrogen addition plots in Stoke's field near QUBS. October 4-5th 2008.

Winter 2007
Mature forest sites on Limestone and Canadian Shield bedrock; Snowfences in Stokes field near QUBS. April 3-4th, 2007