The Concert Series Fund

Make extraordinary concert experiences happen. Support the Concert Series Fund to help attract the best artists in the world to perform at the Isabel. (*Please note that there is a $5 minimum to qualify for a tax receipt.)


Community Cultural Fund 

Help integrate the work of local artists and cultural institutions into the Isabel, strengthening the exchange between Queen’s and the Kingston community. 

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Name A Seat Campaign 

Become a permanent part of the Jennifer Velva Bernstein Performance Hall. 

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Let the Art be Your Legacy

Create your legacy and ensure that the Isabel will forever be a part of the Queen’s and Kingston communities through a bequest in your will. 

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Read the Donor Legacy Brochure

The Integrated Learning Fund 

Support exciting academic projects, enhance the interdisciplinary activities between the four creative arts departments, and provide innovative programming for exceptional student learning. 

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The State-of-the-Art Fund 

Ensure the Isabel has the highest quality equipment and technology for learning, presentations, and performances. 

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If you have donated to the Isabel and are inquiring about your donation or receiving a tax receipt, please contact Queen's Gift Services at or 614-533-2060.