Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Kinesiology and Health Studies - Master of Science

The Master's degree programs in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies are organized into areas of expertise including:

  1. Sport Psychology: The study of psychological dimensions of health, physical activity and sport.
  2. Socio-Cultural Studies of Sport, Health and the Body: The study of sociological dimensions of health, physical activity and sport.
  3. Physical Activity Epidemiology: The study of the determinants of physical activity and the influence of physical activity on health within a framework of population or public health.
  4. Health Promotion: The science and art of promoting health, preventing disease, prolonging life and improving quality of life through the organized efforts of society.
  5. Exercise Physiology: The study of metabolic and cardio-pulmonary responses to acute and chronic exercise, exercise testing and prescription for special populations.
  6. Biomechanics and Neuromechanics: the study of the mechanical and neurological aspects of human motion.

Program Pattern I Degree Requirements

The degree requirements for students in a Pattern I Master's program are:

  1. The equivalent of at least four graduate level one-term courses.
  2. Other courses, as advised by the student's supervisor to ensure that the student has a background adequate for undertaking the proposed thesis topic.
  3. Candidates for the M.A. program in socio-cultural studies are required to take KHS 869 Bodies and Social Theory and KHS 873 Critical Methodologies: Politics of Knowledge.
  4. A master's thesis (KHS 899 Master's Thesis Research) weighted at one-half the total program. The Master's thesis must be defended orally.
  5. Candidates for the M.Sc. program may only take one of KHS 869 Bodies and Social Theory or KHS 873 Critical Methodologies: Politics of Knowledge.
  6. Course in Human Research Ethics (CORE).
  7. Completion of Queen’s online Health and Safety Awareness Training.
  8. Completion of Queen’s online AODA Training Suite.
  9. Attendance at the SKHS Graduate Seminar Series.

Complete details of the program policies and regulations are available on the School's web site at: 

Program Pattern II Degree Requirements

In exceptional circumstances some students may be permitted to complete a program of study based on course work and a major research paper (Program Pattern II).  The degree requirements for students in a Pattern II Master's program are:

  1. The equivalent of at least seven one-term graduate level courses of which at least three courses must be taken within the School.
  2. Additional courses at the discretion of the School's Graduate Coordinator to ensure adequate background in the field of study.
  3. A  grade of B- is required to pass each course.
  4. a research project (KHS 898 Individual Project) on a specific problem in the field of study. Candidates are expected to work in close contact with an assigned faculty member and to obtain approval for the project from the School's Graduate Subcommittee.

Degree Awarded

All candidates receive their degree in Kinesiology and Health Studies.