Living our values

Scott Anderson, Deanna Bennett, Karen Bertrand, Michelle Fuko, Stephen Hornsby, Leigh Kalin


Thank you to all those who participated in our Advancement Value- Action Statement exercise. Over the next several issues of ALTogether Now, ALT will be talking about living these values.

I will start with Accountability. Here are the action statements we chose:

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Gratitude in Uncertain Times

I hardly know where to begin.

Let me first share a reflection on what it was like for me last Monday afternoon following the Principal’s announcement “encouraging staff, where possible, to work remotely.” Following initial steps to roll out the plan we had built for exactly this scenario, a lump formed in my throat. I walked around Summerhill and Old Meds to give a personal send-off to whomever was still on site — accompanied by a sense of sadness fostered by the uncertainty of when we would return to campus.

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