Lindsay Brant

Lindsay Brant

PhD Student

Cultural Studies

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Lindsay is a first-year doctoral student in Cultural Studies. Her research interest is in examining education as a space or place of resistance, and the potential for transformative educational experiences when curriculum and pedagogy is reimagined to incorporate Indigenous ways of knowing and being. She wants to explore how the three core values of the Haudenosaunee Great Law of Peace (peace, strength and a good mind) can be used as a framework for creating a holistic strengths-based approach to teaching and learning which honours the emotional, spiritual, physical and mental aspects of all participants within the learning environment. She will explore the theories and cultural teachings surrounding concepts of peace-focused education but will also engage in exploring how these theories translate in practice to allow for the co-creation of supportive, loving, and inclusive learning communities and environments. She hopes to explore and engage with research areas that include critical pedagogy, Indigenous and decolonial methodologies, peace and social justice education, and cultural teachings that inform community-based teaching, learning and research practices.