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Reflection from the Writer's Studio Event Announced

The Department of English and the Queen’s University Biological Station are thrilled to foster literary craft on Algonquin territory within the Frontenac Arch World Biosphere Reserve. The QUBS Creative Writing Studio brings two emerging authors to the Biological Station for writer's residencies in June/July 2022. The QUBS Creative Writing Studio culminates in a public event involving creative presentations by the authors, organized with support from members of the Queen’s creative writing community.

This year, writer's Smokii Sumac and John Elizabeth Stinzi will discuss their respective creative processes, inspirations, and their time at Queen's Biological Station as the QUBS Creative Writing Studio's Writers-in-Residence.

This event will take place on July 6th at 7PM. Transportation to QUBS will be provided from Ontario Hall at 5PM. 

Learn more about Smokii Sumac and John Elizabeth Stinzi here

Department of English Literature and Creative Writing, Queen's University

Watson Hall
49 Bader Lane
Kingston ON K7L 3N6

Telephone (613) 533-2153



Queen's University is situated on traditional Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe territory.