TandemLaunch: Learning about the entrepreneurial journey


Monday August 23, 2021
11:00 am - 12:30 pm


Virtual Workshop
Event Category

About this Event

Join TandemLaunch CEO, Helge Seetzen, as he shares the stories and journeys of his experience as well as those of four tech entrepreneurs from the TandemLaunch portfolio as a framework for illustrating what it takes to be a founder and how to get a business running.

Registrants can expect to be inspired while also learning about some basic educational elements around tech entrepreneurship.


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About Helge Seetzen:

Helge is an award winning technologist, entrepreneur, and a recognized global authority on technology transfer and display technologies. As General Partner of TandemLaunch , he works with inventors and entrepreneurs to build high growth technology companies. His past successes include the transformation of raw university IP into fully commercialized LED TV technology, including selling his last company Brightside Technologies to Dolby Laboratories after sealing partnerships with several of the largest consumer electronics companies in the world. Helge holds over 80 patents in the fields of display, camera and video technology.

About Partnerships and Innovation:

Queen's University’s Partnerships and Innovation (QPI) supports the Research Portfolio’s mission to be an essential catalyst for advancing research and knowledge mobilization, strengthening Queen’s local, national and global impact.