Creating a spin-off from an academic lab


Wednesday February 17, 2021
5:00 am - 6:00 am


Virtual Workshop
Event Category

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About this Event

Presented by Jim Banting, PhD, is the Assistant Vice-Principal with Queen's Partnerships and Innovation, this webinar will walk participants through the steps and considerations involved in forming a spin-off company based on university research.

Topics will include:

  • IP ownership
  • Working with co-founders
  • Accessing university IP
  • Other factors you should consider before starting a startup

About the presenter:

Jim Banting, PhD, is the Assistant Vice-Principal with Queen's Partnerships and Innovation. His career began as a co-founder of the Queen’s spin-off company Vaxis Therapeutics that was funded by venture capitalists. After growing the company, Dr. Banting served as the business development lead on the sale of Vaxis to a U.S. speciality pharmaceutical company. In March 2014, Jim Banting become the president and chief executive officer of PARTEQ Innovations, which has since been incorporated into Queen's University Partnerships and Innovation unit.

About Partnerships and Innovation:

Queen's University’s Partnerships and Innovation (QPI) supports the Research Portfolio’s mission to be an essential catalyst for advancing research and knowledge mobilization, strengthening Queen’s local, national and global impact.