Academic Calendar 2021-2022

Health Studies – Major (Arts) – Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 calendar. To access the most recent version of the calendar, please visit

Subject:  Administered by the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies.
Plan:  Consists of 60.0 units as described below.
Program:  The Plan, alone, or in combination with a Minor in another subject, and with sufficient electives to total 120.0 units (114.0 units for students admitted prior to September 2017), will lead to a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree.

1. Core
A. Complete the following:
HLTH 101Social Determinants of Health3.00
HLTH 102Personal Health and Wellness3.00
B. Complete the following:
PSYC 100Principles of Psychology6.00
C. Complete the following:
ANAT 101Introductory Human Anatomy3.00
KNPE 125Introduction to Human Physiology3.00
D. Complete the following:
HLTH 205Introduction to Health Promotion3.00
HLTH 252Introduction to Research Methods3.00
E. Select 3.00 units from the following:3.00
Introduction to Statistics
F. Complete the following:
HLTH 305Fundamentals of Health Policy3.00
HLTH 315Theory and Practice of Health Behaviour Change3.00
HLTH 323Epidemiology3.00
G. Complete the following:
HLTH 416Program Planning and Evaluation3.00
2. Option
A. Select 3.00 units from the following:3.00
Contemporary Issues in Human Sexuality
Health, Illness and Society
B. HLTH_Major_Options at the 400 level or above6.00
C. HLTH_Major_Options at the 300 level or above6.00
D. HLTH_Major_Options at the 200 level or above6.00
Elective Courses60.00
Total Units120.00

3. Substitutions

ANAT 100 Anatomy of the Human Body may be substituted for ANAT 101 Introductory Human Anatomy.

4. Note

A. A maximum of 6.0 units from courses offered by other Faculties and Schools may be counted toward the program and/or Plan Requirements. This includes courses in BMED, COMM, GLPH, LAW, NURS and courses in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science.

Health Studies Course Lists

The following lists contain courses offered through other Departments. In accordance with Academic Regulation 2.5 (Access to Classes), students do not have enrolment priority in all of these courses. Access to these courses may only be made available during the Open Enrolment period, and then only if space permits.


Option Courses in the Health Major Plan
ECON 243The Economics of Health Care3.00
ENSC 420Gender and Environments3.00
GPHY 229Place, Space, Culture and Social Life3.00
GPHY 336Geography, the Environment and Human Health3.00
GPHY 339Medical Geography3.00
GPHY 349GIScience and Public Health3.00
HIST 228Global History of Pandemics3.00
HLTH 200Physical Fitness and Wellness3.00
HLTH 230Basic Human Nutrition3.00
HLTH 235Food Systems3.00
HLTH 237An Introduction to Drugs, Drug Use and Drug Dependence3.00
HLTH 270Movement Behaviours and Health3.00
HLTH 300Community-Based Practicum3.00
HLTH 325Epidemiology of Physical Activity, Fitness and Health3.00
HLTH 331Advanced Human Nutrition3.00
HLTH 332Foundations for Understanding Disability: A Health Perspective3.00
HLTH 333Contemporary Issues in Human Sexuality3.00
HLTH 334Health, Illness and Society3.00
HLTH 350Topics in Global Health3.00
HLTH 351Health in Humanitarian Crisis3.00
HLTH 352Research Skills Development Practicum3.00
HLTH 397Special Topics in Health Studies3.00
HLTH 401Interprofessional Collaborative Education3.00
HLTH 402Disability Studies: Issues, Research and Policy3.00
HLTH 403Community Based Rehabilitation3.00
HLTH 404Global Studies of Social Inclusion, Community Participation and Mental Illness3.00
HLTH 417Community-Based Programming and Evaluation3.00
HLTH 430Critical Weight Studies3.00
HLTH 434Social Movements in Health3.00
HLTH 435Seminar on HIV/AIDS Prevention3.00
HLTH 437Seminar on Harm Reduction3.00
HLTH 445Critical Health Promotion3.00
HLTH 455Health and Built Environments3.00
HLTH 456Survey of Research and Literature in Health Studies3.00
HLTH 491Special Project in Health Studies3.00
HLTH 493Advanced Topics in Health Studies I3.00
HLTH 495Advanced Topics in Health Studies II3.00
HLTH 497Special Topics in Health Studies I3.00
HLTH 595Honours Thesis in Health Studies6.00
KNPE 225Advanced Human Physiology3.00
KNPE 265Psychology of Sport and Exercise3.00
KNPE 335Healthy Aging3.00
KNPE 337Physical Activity Promotion for Children and Youth3.00
KNPE 338Exploring Active Urban Communities3.00
KNPE 365Motivational Interviewing for Physical Activity Behaviour Change3.00
KNPE 366Race, Sport and Physical Activity3.00
KNPE 400Professional Issues in Allied Health3.00
KNPE 433Global Sport and Disability3.00
KNPE 436Advanced Placement in Disability and Physical Activity3.00
LLCU 327Sickness and Health - Cultural Representations in Medical Discourse3.00
PHIL 201Philosophy and Medicine3.00
PHIL 203Science and Society3.00
PHIL 301Bioethics3.00
PSYC 332Health Psychology3.00


Statistic Course Options
BIOL 243Introduction to Statistics3.00
CHEE 209Analysis Of Process Data3.50
COMM 162Managerial Statistics3.00
ECON 250Introduction to Statistics3.00
GPHY 247Introduction to Statistics3.00
KNPE 251Introduction to Statistics3.00
NURS 323Introduction to Statistics3.00
POLS 385Introduction to Statistics3.00
PSYC 202Statistics in Psychology3.00
SOCY 211Introduction to Statistics3.00
STAM 200Introduction to Statistics3.00
STAT 252Introductory Applied Probability3.00
STAT 263Introduction to Statistics3.00
STAT 367Engineering Data Analysis4.00