Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy

BMED 480/3.0

Students examining a fake human body


BMED 480 is a comprehensive course on regional anatomy of the human body covering the major organ systems, their components and the relationships between them. This course builds on fundamental knowledge of anatomy in order to apply it to clinical case-based scenarios. Students will apply anatomy and physiological knowledge gained in order to collaborate with peers to explore clinical problems, as well as develop their own realistic clinical case based problems on an underlying anatomical issue.

Learning Outcomes

1. Understand and utilize the basic language of human anatomy, including commonly used medical anatomical terminology.
2. Apply standard anatomical terms and concepts for the purpose of identification, communication and critical reading of relevant anatomical and related medical literature. 
3. Analyze and discuss the gross anatomy (and some relative functions) of the organs that constitute the different regions of the human body. 
4. Collaborate with other students to apply module content and correct medical terminology to solve case-based problems related to anatomical issues. 
5. Apply knowledge gained from course content to develop an anatomically accurate clinical scenario and clearly communicate orally both anatomical and medical terminology.