
SGSPA Conference Travel Award- This is now handled by the School. You will be required to provide Colin Khan, Rm 3132 BioSci, with a copy of the conference registration as well as a program once you return from your conference for reimbursement for a part of your costs. The amount will be variable each year depending on our allotment from Grad School. You must be a presenter (poster or talk) at the meeting to be eligible for this funding.
School of Environmental Studies Conference Travel Award - Full-time students are eligible to apply for a student conference travel award from the School during their tenure as a student in the department. This award may be used in conjunction with the Graduate School Conference Travel Award detailed above. MES students $300, PhD students $600. Presentation of a poster or talk required for both cohorts). This award is typically used once during the student's tenure. This travel award funding is not guaranteed, and the amount available will be variable each year.

TA Agreement Form (PDF, 55KB)
Complete this form with the instructor in the course you have been assigned. Sign and send to Colin Khan, Rm 3132 BioSci before the end of the first month of the term.

           MANDATORY for all registered Graduate Students - MES and PhD.
           This form is to be completed in the Fall Term and submitted between Nov.1st and Dec. 1st each academic year.
SGSPA PhD Annual Report Form (PDF, 17KB)
To be completed sometime between April and May. Every doctoral student is responsible for submitting a written report at least once per year to the supervisor, and/or if applicable the supervisory committee, detailing his or her progress since the last report, and the plan/objectives for the next year.
*MANDATORY* Committee Meeting Report

To be completed at every thesis supervisory committee meeting for both MES and PhD students. This form serves as a record of committee meeting dates and attendees.


To be used to add, drop, or audit courses. Student must fill out the appropriate fields and sign/date. Signatures of the supervisor(s), course instructor(s), and either the Director or Grad Chair are also required. Bring or send the completed form to Colin in Rm 3232, he can also help to obtain signatures from the Director/Chair.
Master's Oral Defense Form (PDF, 348KB)
Please complete the form, print off the first page, get signatures and deliver to Colin Khan, Rm 3132 BioSci, on the day you distribute your thesis copies to your committee. Email the complete form to Colin as the last two pages are needed by the Chair of your defense.
Course-based Completion Form
Complete form and return to Colin Khan, Rm 3132 BioSci, for Departmental signature and submission.
Copyright Form (PDF, 28KB)
Course-based students are requested to submit a copyright form to the Graduate Assistant to allow the School to post their project on the Environmental Studies section of Qspace.