ENSC 480

Special Topics in Environmental Science - Winter 2023
TOPIC: Community food justice

Course Description

This course will provide an introduction to the theory and practice of food justice. It will culminate in an applied project with a community food organization in Kingston. The course is designed to provide students with a broad understanding of the key concepts and debates related to food justice; cultivate food citizenship; and foster critical reflection on the role of individual and collective action in achieving food justice goals. Students will be expected to actively participate in the course through structured opportunities for community engagement and ongoing reflection through written assignments and group discussions.

Requirements: Prerequisite Level 3 or above and registration in an (ENSC Major, ENVS Major, ENVS Medial, EBIO, ECHM, EGEO, EGPY, ELSC or ETOX plan) or permission of the School.  

Course Instructor:

Dr. Kristen Lowitt
email: kristen.lowitt@queensu.ca

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