Owen Clifton

Ph.D. Candidate


Arts and Science

People Directory Affiliation Category
Research Interests

Political Philosophy, Normative Ethics, Practical Ethics, Value Theory

  • B.A. Honours, Carleton University
  • M.A., Queen’s University

My research interests lie in political philosophy, normative ethics, practical ethics, and value theory. At present, my two main research projects concern, respectively, the ethics of far-future-affecting policy and the ethics of social and political membership.

I am a Global Priorities Fellow and a Canada Graduate Scholar. In 2022, I was a visiting doctoral researcher in philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley, and part of the early career conference programme at Oxford University’s Global Priorities Institute. At the invitation of the same, I will be visiting Oxford again for Trinity term 2023.


Emails from students should be directed to oc10 · at · queensu · dot · ca

All other emails can be sent to owenjclifton · at · gmail · dot · com