Malcolm Stott Teaching Award winners from 2023-24 were announced at last Friday's colloquium by Prof. Judith Irwin (Chair, Awards Committee). Prof. Stott was on-hand as well!
Winners were Reegan Wormington for Fall 2023 and Antonia Neill for Winter 2024. Following are pictures along with quotes from appreciative undergraduates.
Fall 2023 - Reegan Wormington

Reegan with Prof. Irwin. (Photo courtesy of Kyra Funk)
Reegan encourages us to think about how little concepts have links to greater ideas in physics.
She goes above and beyond for her students, always making students feel welcome and challenging us when we ask questions.
Winter 2024 - Antonia Neill

Antonia with Prof. Irwin. (Photo courtesy of Kyra Funk)
She always provided us with super well thought out and understandable solutions. She's a big part of why I'm passing this course!
She is, by far, the best TA I've ever had. When I don't understand something, she breaks it down into smaller pieces so that I can understand the actual physics at play instead of how to solve specific problems.
Congratulations also to all the other TAs who were nominated.