Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Economics – Major (Arts) – Bachelor of Arts (Honours)


Subject: Administered by the Department of Economics.
Plan: Consists of 66.00 units as described below.
Program: The Plan, alone, or in combination with a Minor in another subject, and with sufficient electives to total 120.00 units (114.00 units for students admitted prior to September 2017), will lead to a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree.

1. Core
A. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
Principles of Economics
Introductory Microeconomics
and Introductory Macroeconomics
B. Complete the following:
ECON 212Microeconomic Theory I3.00
ECON 222Macroeconomic Theory I3.00
ECON 255Introduction to Mathematical Economics3.00
C. Complete 3.00 units from the following:3.00
Introduction to Statistics
Introduction to Statistics
D. Complete the following:
ECON 310Microeconomic Theory II3.00
ECON 320Macroeconomic Theory II3.00
ECON 351Introductory Econometrics3.00
2. Option
A. Complete one of the following Options:15.00
i. Seminar Option:
a. Complete 3.00 units from the following course range: ECON 480 – ECON 499
b. Complete 12.00 units from ECON at the 400-level
ii. Thesis Option:
b. Complete 9.00 units from ECON at the 400-level
B. Complete 3.00 units from the following:3.00
Emergence of the Modern Industrial Economy
The Diffusion of Modern Economic Growth
Economic History of North America to 1865
Economic History of North America since 1865
Issues in Economic History
C. Complete 3.00 units from the following course list:3.00
D. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
ECON at any level
E. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
Financial Accounting
Introduction To Finance
ECON at any level
Introduction to the Study of Politics, Philosophy, and Economics
Topics in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics
3. Supporting
A. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
Differential and Integral Calculus
Differential and Integral Calculus
Differential and Integral Calculus I
and Differential and Integral Calculus II
Differential and Integral Calculus
Elective Courses54.00
Total Units120.00

4. Notes

A. At least half of the 400- and 500-level units must be obtained at Queen’s University, including the seminar ECON 480. The prerequisite for fourth year seminars include a minimum average GPA of 2.6 in the top 30 Units of Economics.

B. A maximum of 6.00 units from courses offered by other Faculties and Schools may be counted toward the program and/or Plan requirements. This includes courses in BMED, COMM, GLPH, HSCI, LAW, NURS, and courses offered by Smith Engineering.

Economic Course Lists

The following lists contain courses offered through other Departments. In accordance with Academic Regulation 2.6 (Access to Classes), students do not have enrolment priority in all of these courses. Access to these courses may only be made available during the Open Enrolment period, and then only if space permits.


Options in the Economics Major Plan
ECON 223Macroeconomic Policy3.00
ECON 231Emergence of the Modern Industrial Economy3.00
ECON 232The Diffusion of Modern Economic Growth3.00
ECON 239Economic Development3.00
ECON 244Economics of Indigenous Communities3.00
ECON 280Population and Economic Change3.00
ECON 331Economic History of North America to 18653.00
ECON 332Economic History of North America since 18653.00
ECON 430Issues in Economic History3.00
PPEC 200Introduction to the Study of Politics, Philosophy, and Economics3.00
PPEC 300Topics in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics3.00