
Managing records with QDocs

Aug 21, 2018

QDocs is the university's enterprise digital records management system that handles records management and workflow.

Two new policies for access and privacy

Jul 11, 2018

On Monday, June 9, 2018, the Vice-Principals' Operations Committee approved two new policies addressing how Queen's University meets its obligations to provide access to information and protect the personal and personal health information the University collects and uses. 

New Privacy Breach Regulations under PHIPA

Sep 25, 2017

The Information and Privacy Commissioner has issued new guidance on reporting breaches of personal health information.

Big Data and Your Privacy Rights

Jan 31, 2017

​A new fact sheet from Ontario's Information and Privacy Commissioner outlines the privacy issues with regards to big data. 

Are your apps spying on you? (CBC Marketplace)

Jan 16, 2017

CBC's Marketplace recently aired a fascinating look into the world of free apps and the potential threat they pose to your privacy.

Communicating Personal Health Information by Email

Sep 15, 2016

Today the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario issued new guidance on using email for communicating personal health information.

Commissioner issues guidance on personal email and IM

Jun 27, 2016

Ontario's Information and Privacy Commissioner has issued new guidance on the use of personal email and instant messaging for business purposes.

Revised Records Management Policy approved

May 03, 2016

The Vice-Principals' Operations Committee has approved a revised Records Management Policy.

Organizational history: one rationale for good records management

Apr 25, 2016

An article in University Affairs gives a good example of why preserving universities' organizational history is important. 

Recordkeeping Amendments to FIPPA

Jan 05, 2016

If the value of proper records management is not already obvious, there is another reason to pay attention. 

Meet the new Privacy Officer

Oct 15, 2015

On July 6, 2015, Carolyn Heald joined Queen’s University as its first Privacy Officer.