The Donna Guyitt Memorial Fund

Donor Stories:

This fund was created in memory of my late wife, Donna Guyitt, who passed away in 2004. She was first ill in 2000, with a different condition, and we were greatly helped by the concern and caring manner of Dr. John Adams, a graduate of Queen's. Although my wife, myself and our older son are all graduates of Western, my younger son went to Queen's and we grew very fond of the Queen's campus and have wonderful memories of our trips to Kingston.

Donna was an outstanding elementary school teacher, a loving wife, mother, and friend, and an accomplished needleworker and gardener. Most of all, she was a caring and concerned individual who never hesitated to give everything of herself to others - to anyone who needed her help. It was most often offered or given before it was ever asked for.

I hope that the recipients of this award will endeavor to develop the same concern for others that Dr. Adams displayed to his patients and that was so much a part of Donna's life.