This section explores the Indigenous Peoples, spaces and areas around campus. It is important that we acknowledge the traditional territory that Queen’s University sits on and recognize that Queen’s continues to work to further Indigenize each of the campus locations in Kingston.
Visibility is critically important to creating space that is validating, welcoming and safe for Indigenous students, staff and faculty. Increasing the presence of Indigenous representations on campus contributes to this endeavour.
Dengwen, Dawaanan miinwaa E-dnakmagak oodi Gimaakwe-shpi-kinoomaagewigamgong
Manpii gibakibii’iganing ndagkenmaa’aan Nishnaaben, dawaanan, miinwaa kina go ngoji gkinoomaagegamgong. Gchi-piitendaagwad ji-mno-gnowaamdaming wi sa nishnaabe aki nmadbiimag sa wi Gimaakwe Shpi-kinoomaagewigamig miinwaa nsadwaamdiming wi Gkinoomaagewigamig ni-aabji-nokiitmowaad wii-ni-nishnaabewitowaad kina ednakiiwaad zhiwe sa Kingston ezhnikaadeg oodena.
Waabaminaagwak aapji ishpendaagwad wii-zhitong dawaanan e-mno-zhiyaamgak miinwaa e-yaangwaamgak ge’ek sa Nishnaabe gkinoomaagzijig, enkiitaagejig eknoomaagejig. Maajiishkaatong mnik eyaajig Nishnaabeg zhiwe sa gkinoomaagewigamigong naadmaagemgad.
Tsi Nihatiya’tó:tens tsi Niwatená:ta tánon tsi Nonwéshon ne Queen’s University
Kí:ken tsi nón:we kaka’én:yons ne Onkwehón:we, tsi niwatenáta tánon tsi ní:wa ne aote’én:rakon ne yonterihwayenhstáhkhwa. Yorihowá:nen tsi tewayén:tere’n tsi Onkwehonwè:ne nón:we nikanónhsote ne Queen’s University tánon tewayén:tere’n tsi yaotahsonterátye Onkwehonwehnéha ayónnya’te tetsyáron ne Kingston tsi kanonhsó:ton.
Yorihowá:nen ne ayokén:ton tsi enhatinaktó:ten tsi nón:we ne tahshakotinonhwerá:ton tánon tóhsa ayotterónhton ne Onkwehón:we ronteweyénhstha raotirihwà:ke, tánon ne rotiyó’te ó:ni ne shakotirihonnyén:ni. Sénha ahonatyohkowáhnha ne Onkwehón:we enyoyé:nawa’se tsi nahò:ten yonkwayo’tá:tye.
![[window with Traditional Territory acknowledgement]](/indigenous/sites/oiiwww/files/2021-01/IMG_0147%20copy.jpg)