Michael Murphy
Banting Post-Doctoral Fellow
PhD (OttawaU); MA (Queen's)
Political Studies
Banting Post-Doctoral Fellow
Brief Biography
Michael Murphy is a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Political Studies. He completed his PhD at the University of Ottawa and received an MA in the Collaborative Political and Legal Thought Program at Queen's University.
Research Interests
Michael's Banting Postdoctoral Fellow project, the Active Teaching, Assessment, and Evaluation in Political Science (ATAEPS) study, is the first large-scale research study examining assessment and evaluation practices in political science education. This research complements ongoing pedagogical debates related to curricular development as well as innovative teaching techniques. Michael’s disciplinary research explores the intersection of international relations and political theory. He has published one book and over thirty peer-reviewed articles, garnering 1200 citations. He currently serves as section president of the Active Learning in International Affairs Section of the International Studies Association. His work can be found here.
POLS 463 International Relations Theory (Winter 2024)
ASCX400: Edward Burtynsky, Standing Whale Artist Group (co-instructor)
Honours Seminar in International Relations, University of Ottawa (x3)
Modern Political Thought, Part II, University of Ottawa
Selected Publications
Michael P.A. Murphy. 2022. "Violent Interference: Structural Violence, Quantum International Relations, and the Ethics of Entanglement." Global Studies Quarterly (forthcoming)
Michael P.A. Murphy. 2021. Quantizing Critique: Quantum Social Theory for Critical International Relations Theorists. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Michael P.A. Murphy and Andrew Heffernan. 2021. "Assessing Three Elements of 'Canadian' International Relations." Canadian Journal of Political Science 54(1): 209-221.
Michael P.A. Murphy. 2020. “COVID-19 and Emergency eLearning: Consequences of the Securitization of Higher Education for Post-Pandemic Pedagogy.” Contemporary Security Policy. 41(3): 492-505. *Most-read and most-cited article in journal’s history*