This flowchart has been developed to help individuals understand how the policy works.
University community members may choose to seek advice and information from a variety of university offices about what is believed to be incidents of harassment, discrimination or reprisal. If the issues raised cannot be resolved without a formal complaint or report, the process outlined below is followed.

Step 1: A written complaint/report is submitted to the Office of the Vice-Principal (Culture, Equity, and Inclusion).
Step 2: A meeting of the Intake Assessment Team is held.
Is there sufficient information/detail that, if true, would constitute a violation of the policy?
NO: The complaint/report contains insufficient detail and is returned to the complainant with a request for additional information.
Or, there is no basis for a formal investigation.
- other policies may be engaged that warrant review; or
- the complaint/report may raise general concerns about culture/environment that should be referred to the responsible VP.
YES: Proceed to next question.
It is appropriate to pursue early resolution at the intake stage?
YES: Early resolution is appropriate. If the parties agree to an early resolution, a resolution agreement is prepared, and the case will be closed. The Office of Complaints and Investigations receives written summary of resolution.
NO: Investigation proceeds.
If an early resolution is reached before a final decision is made, a summary of the resolution is provided to the Office of Complaints and Investigations, and the case will be closed.
If NO early resolution is reached before a final decision is made, the investigation report is provided to a decision-maker, who issues a decision to the respondent (and to the complainant, if there is one – reports do not involve individual complainants). The Office of Complaints and Investigations receives a written notification with summary of findings and outcomes.
If you have any questions related to the Harassment and Discrimination Policy and Procedures, you can reach out to the following offices: