Welcome to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) page for Research Ethics at Queen’s University and its affiliated hospitals. These SOPs offer a comprehensive and detailed roadmap, outlining the specific expectations and requirements governing research conduct within our academic community. Approved under the authority of the Vice-Principal of Research (VPR), these SOPs serve as a cornerstone for researchers, providing clear guidelines to navigate the complexities of ethical research practices.
SOP development and revision is an ongoing process. SOPs will undergo periodic revisions.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- N2 SOP 101 Authority and Purpose
- N2 SOP 102 Research Requiring REB Review
- N2 SOP 103 Training and Education
- N2 SOP 104 Management of REB Office Personnel
- N2 SOP 105a Conflicts of Interest REB Members and REB Office Personnel
- N2 SOP 105b Conflicts of Interest - Researcher
- N2 SOP 105c Conflicts of Interest - Organization
- N2 SOP 106 Signatory Authority
- N2 SOP 107 Use and Disclosure of Personal Information
- N2 SOP 108 Maintenance by Network of Networks and CAREB
- N2 SOP 401 Delegated Review
- N2 SOP 402 REB Review Decisions
- N2 SOP 403 Initial Review - Criteria for REB Approval
- N2 SOP 404 Ongoing REB Review Activities
- N2 SOP 405 Continuing Review
- N2 SOP 406 Research Completion
- N2 SOP 407 Suspension or Termination of REB Approval
- N2 SOP 408 Streamlined Multi-Jurisdictional Research Application Pathway