Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Computing, Mathematics, and Analytics – Specialization (Computing) – Bachelor of Computing (Honours)

COMA-P-BCH (Computing, Mathematics, and Analytics)
COMA-I-BCH (Computing, Mathematics, and Analytics with Professional Internship)

Subject: Administered by the School of Computing and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
Plan: Consists of 90.00 units as described below.
Program: The Plan, with sufficient electives to total 120.00 units, will lead to a Bachelor of Computing (Honours) Degree.

Note: Requirements for this program have been modified. Please consult the 2023-2024 Calendar for the previous requirements.

1. Core
A. Complete the following:
CISC 102Discrete Structures I3.00
CISC 121Introduction to Computing Science I3.00
CISC 124Introduction to Computing Science II3.00
B. Complete the following:
CISC 203Discrete Structures II3.00
CISC 204Logic for Computing Science3.00
CISC 221Computer Architecture3.00
CISC 223Software Specifications3.00
CISC 235Data Structures3.00
C. Complete 3.00 units from the following:3.00
Software Architecture
Game Architecture
D. Complete the following:
CISC 324Operating Systems3.00
CISC 360Programming Paradigms3.00
CISC 365Algorithms I3.00
E. Complete the following:
CISC 497Social, Ethical and Legal Issues in Computing3.00
F. Complete 6.00 units from the following:6.00
Linear Algebra
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra ll
Introduction to Data Science
G. Complete 6.00 from the following:6.00
Differential and Integral Calculus
Differential and Integral Calculus
Differential and Integral Calculus I
and Differential and Integral Calculus II
H. Complete 3.00 units from the following:3.00
Vector Calculus
Advanced Calculus
I. Complete 3.00 units from following:3.00
Introductory Applied Probability
Statistics and Probability I
J. Complete the following:
STAT 269Statistics and Probability II3.00
STAT 361Applied Methods in Statistics I3.00
STAT 463Fundamentals of Statistical Inference3.00
K. Complete 12.00 units from the following:12.00
Rings and Fields
Group Theory
Elementary Number Theory
Functions of a Complex Variable
Stochastic Models in Operations Research
Game Theory
Graph Theory
Enumerative Combinatorics
Introduction to Coding Theory
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry
Introduction to Galois Theory
Number Theory and Cryptography
Optimization Theory with Applications to Machine Learning
Information Theory
2. Option
A. Complete 12.00 units from the following course list:12.00
Elective Courses30.00
Total Units120.00

3. Notes

A. Students with no programming experience should review the Introductory Courses paragraph included on the School of Computing overview page in the Calendar. 

B. Students should select some of their option courses to be focused in a particular area; the following is a list of suggested areas:

i. Communications and Coding: MATH 401MATH 406MATH 418MATH 474MATH 477.

ii. Data Analysis: CISC 271; CISC 371; CISC 372; CISC 473; STAT 361; STAT 456; STAT 457; STAT 462; STAT 463; STAT 464; STAT 471; STAT 473; STAT 486.

iii. Theory in Computer Science: CISC 422; CISC 465; CISC 467; MATH 401; MATH 402; MATH 418.

iv. Discrete Math and Optimization: MATH 337MATH 401MATH 402.

C. Students may seek approval for a modified selection of courses for COMA_Options; a written rationale is required.

D. Students interested in pursuing graduate studies in mathematics should take additional mathematics courses.

E. Some CISC, MATH, and STAT option courses are offered only in alternate years. The courses to be offered each year are announced on the departmental websites before the course selection period, and students should refer to that information in planning their course selections.

F. With the approval of the Undergraduate Chair, students who take CISC 500 working on a project directly related to Computing, Mathematics, or Analytics may count 3.00 units towards COMA_Options.

G. Students completing the internship (COMA-I-BCH) will be required to complete 117.0 units towards their Bachelor of Computing degree and 9.0 units in COMP internship courses for a total of 126.0 units.

H. A maximum of 6.00 units from courses offered by other Faculties and Schools may be counted toward the program and/or Plan requirements. This includes courses in BMED, COMM, GLPH, HSCI, LAW, NURS, and courses offered by Smith Engineering.

Computing and Mathematics Course List

The following list contains courses offered through other Departments. In accordance with Academic Regulation 2.6 (Access to Classes), students do not have enrolment priority in all of these courses. Access to these courses may only be made available during the Open Enrolment period, and then only if space permits.


Courses in other departments usable as COMA options
CISC 271Linear Data Analysis3.00
CISC 330Computer-Integrated Surgery3.00
CISC 371Nonlinear Data Analysis3.00
CISC 372Advanced Data Analytics3.00
CISC 422Formal Methods in Software Engineering3.00
CISC 455Evolutionary Optimization and Learning3.00
CISC 457Image Processing and Computer Vision3.00
CISC 465Semantics of Programming Languages3.00
CISC 467Fuzzy Logic3.00
CISC 472Medical Informatics3.00
CISC 473Deep Learning3.00
CISC 500Undergraduate Thesis6.00
MATH 300Modeling Techniques in Biology3.00
MATH 337Stochastic Models in Operations Research3.00
MATH 339Game Theory3.00
MATH 401Graph Theory3.00
MATH 402Enumerative Combinatorics3.00
MATH 406Introduction to Coding Theory3.00
MATH 413Introduction to Algebraic Geometry3.00
MATH 414Introduction to Galois Theory3.00
MATH 418Number Theory and Cryptography3.00
MATH 474Information Theory3.00
MATH 477Data Compression and Source Coding: Theory and Algorithms3.00
STAT 361Applied Methods in Statistics I3.00
STAT 456Bayesian Analysis3.00
STAT 457Statistical Learning II3.00
STAT 462Statistical Learning I3.00
STAT 463Fundamentals of Statistical Inference3.00
STAT 464Discrete Time Series Analysis3.00
STAT 471Sampling and Experimental Design3.00
STAT 473Generalized Linear Models3.00
STAT 486Survival Analysis3.00