Four Black people with somber expressions stand together linking arms wearing cotton clothes.
INTRO X DJ, Songs of the Gullah Campaign Image, 2020. Courtesy of the artist - Agnes Etherington Art Centre

Agnes - Deep Looking at History is Rarely Black or White

Virtual event

Join us for a deep observation of the works of art in History is Rarely Black or White. A facilitator will guide you through the exhibit as part of Agnes' Wellness Program. 

History Is Rarely Black or White explores cotton garments in the Queen’s Collection of Canadian Dress through archival research and scientific analysis that connects these materials to resource extraction, Indigenous displacement, enslaved labour, and the Underground Railroad. This history is also shown through tintypes and artifacts.

The exhibition engages contemporary art and fashion to examine colonial history and envision a radically positive future. Artists Karin Jones, Gordon Shadrach, and Damian Joel demonstrate the manner in which the burden of colonial history entwines itself in research, making and cultural heritage. Jones and Shadrach discuss the ongoing legacies of oppression that created the global cotton industry. Joel mines the history of enslavement, migration and making in his fashion story, Songs of the Gullah. The inclusion of his work brings the exhibition full circle by juxtaposing the collections at Agnes with contemporary pieces based on similar networks of relation. 

Event Details

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