Chu Wang, Yinka Adegbusi, and Zhaodi Culbreath

Alumni Volunteer Series - Non-Traditional Queen's Experience

Virtual event

Join the QUAA on March 6, 2021 at 1pm for a panel discussion on non-traditional Queen's experiences, life after Queen's, and the challenges of not fitting the status quo.

Queen's is known for a lot of things, one of which is the student experience. While everyone's experience is unique, some students feel alienated and face very different challenges from the majority of students. 

Hear from alumni Yinka Adegbusi, Artsci'13, Zhaodi Culbreath, Sc'08, and Chu Q. Wang, Com'15, and host Tuba Chishti, Artsci'15, in an one hour virtual panel discussion about their experiences at Queen's. A question and answer period will take place after the discussion.