Mathematics & Engineering

The only Engineering program in North America primarily offered by a mathematics department, Mathematics and Engineering blends engineering with advanced mathematics and provides a rigorous treatment of engineering concepts and ideas. You will learn to analyze and solve engineering problems requiring sophisticated mathematical skills, such as those involving modern communications, control, and mechatronic systems, as well as emerging areas such as artificial intelligence and data science.

Geological Engineering

Geological engineers combine core engineering fundamentals with a broad slate of geological knowledge, ranging from geology to geotechnical engineering. You will study physics, chemistry, applied mathematics, and natural processes such as earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, and mountain formation. You will also acquire field, laboratory, and computer simulation skills and training in state-of-the-art geological investigation and engineering analysis tools.

Advanced Leadership for Social Impact

The Advanced Leadership for Social Impact Fellowship prepares experienced leaders with the skills, knowledge, and networks needed to meaningfully tackle the root causes and drivers of social issues or problems. By focusing on developing leaders with the skills and perspectives to tackle complex issues, Queen’s University can help solve the world’s most significant and urgent challenges.

Engineering Physics

Engineering physics combines the practical skills of engineering with the deep knowledge of a scientist, applying analytical and lateral thinking to modern engineering challenges. Courses in quantum mechanics, laser optics and nanotechnology will help prepare you for an engineering career at the leading edge of technology. You will acquire advanced problem-solving and instrumentation skills, and will be able to apply superior mathematical, analytical and abstract-thinking ability to modern engineering challenges.