The QSAS Advisor name can be located in the student's Letter of Accommodation in Ventus.
View how to access the student Letter of Accommodation.
To view a list of all students assessment details:
- In your Ventus course on the Summary of Student Accommodations page scroll down to the Delivered by exams office section.
- Locate the assessment you wish to view.
- Click the turquoise Students button located to the right of an assessment to view students, assessment details, and their approved accommodations.
All student details including status, date, and location will now be listed.
Individualized Accommodations
While all accommodations provided by QSAS are intended to remove the unique barriers experienced by students with disabilities, on rare occasions it may arise when a barrier experienced by a specific student in a specific context will require accommodations that are uniquely designed to remove that specific barrier.
While introducing Individualized accommodations is a new practice within Ventus, it is not a new practice for accommodation provision at Queen’s. Before the implementation of Ventus in May of 2022, the previous accommodation management system would allow for the Queen’s Student Accessibility Services (QSAS) to communicate these individualized accommodations to instructors through the Letter of Accommodations (LoA).
Implementing Individualized accommodations in Ventus is a re-introduction of a required communication practice.
While the exact frequency can’t be fully known in advance, it is the goal of QSAS to intend toward the provision of already existing accommodations before providing an Individualized accommodation. With that in mind, the use of Individualized accommodations should be relatively infrequent.
The prefix Individualized will appear before any of these accommodations. This will appear on both the Ventus Course Class List as well as the Letter of Accommodation available in Ventus.
If an instructor has questions about an Individualized accommodation and how to meet the student’s need in class, please contact the student’s Accessibility Advisor at QSAS.
If there are questions about the process of implementing Individualized accommodation, please contact the Manager, QSAS, Alan Jeans.