
Graduate Courses

Please review the course selection guidelines for guidance

ENSC 801 - Methodological and Conceptual Basis for Environmental Studies

The course examines methodological and conceptual issues arising from Environmental Studies position as an inter-, multi- and/or trans-disciplinary practice. It will focus on the inherent difficulties in overcoming disciplinary fragmentation in approaches to studying complex issues in environmental sustainability that require integrated understandings of the inter-relations between social and natural systems. The course will promote methodological literacy beyond student's own area of expertise, develop critical and reflexive thinking about how environmental studies might approach issues of sustainability, and encourage and facilitate communication across disciplinary paradigms. The course precedes and compliments ENSC 802, familiarizing students with the historical origins, philosophical underpinnings and practical deployment of key approaches within the social and natural sciences and humanities. Three term-hours; Fall.

Permission of Instructor Required, Registration by Academic Change Form

ENSC 802 - Global Environmental Problems: Issues in Sustainability

This course focuses on real-world environmental problems analyzing their social, ethical, and biogeochemical origins, economic ramifications, and institutional frameworks for their mitigation and resolution in the context of environmental sustainability. This course would logically follow or run concurrently with ENSC 801*, and will deepen and continue the themes through consideration of the intellectual history of theories and concepts relevant to environmental studies, with a focus on the concepts of "sustainability" and "sustainable development". Three term-hours; Winter.

Permission of Instructor Required, Registration by Academic Change Form

ENSC 840 - Directed Studies

This course provides an opportunity for students to independently study a selected topic under the supervision of one of more faculty members. For detailed information, consult course coordinator. Three term-hours; Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer. Course coordinator: Graduate Chair.

Course Instructor to provide written details of independent study. Permission of Coordinator Required, Registration by Academic Change Form

ENSC 841 - Special Topics

These courses focus on specific topics related to the environment and sustainability. Special topics are offered under the guidance of a faculty member in an area of the instructor’s expertise. For detailed information, consult course instructor. Field Trip fees may apply, normally less than $50. Three term-hours: Fall, Winter or Summer. Course coordinator: Graduate Chair. Prerequisite: permission of course instructor. Exclusion: varies depending on instructor

* For 2024-25 The Special Topic will beClimate Change Science and Policy (2025 Winter term)

Course Description:

In December 2015, 195 countries and the European Union adopted the Paris Agreement, a legally binding international treaty designed to limit global warming to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels. This historic milestone marks a global effort to avert extreme climate change. But how did we reach this point in the first place? This course covers the journey from pioneering studies on the greenhouse effect first published in the 1800s to the adoption of the Paris Agreement almost two centuries later. The first part of the course focuses on climate change science, encompassing the empirical evidence, climate modelling, the global carbon cycle, climate feedbacks, tipping points, future projections, and impacts. The second part of the course addresses the economics and policy options to tackle climate change. The course will support you in a wide range of contexts, from your research endeavours to effective engagement in public debates and advocacy for sustainable solutions. The course welcomes a diversity of thoughts, perspectives and experiences, and honours students’ identities, including race, gender, class, sexuality, religion, and ability.

SGS 902 - Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

The Centre for Teaching and Learning offers this cross-discipline Graduate level course.

E Thesis Tutorial

Queen’s University requires students to submit their theses and dissertations (ETDs) electronically. Students can use the available MS Word template to write their theses, store and develop their thesis in a secure online environment (QShare), and submit their final, accepted thesis electronically (in PDF format ) for archiving and distribution via the Queen’s digital repository, QSpace. Powerpoint Tutorial.

The following list contains links to departments that MES and PhD students have found to offer relevant and enlightening courses that have positively impacted their progress through their graduate degree. This list is not intended to be exhaustive. Its primary purpose is to suggest to students the various educational directions into which the pursuit of a graduate degree in Environmental Studies may take them. MES students are allowed to take one 400 or 500 level course for credit toward their degree as long as the Instructor agrees to a graduate level of content and assessment.

Remember: Course offerings change from year to year due to students' interests and the availability of instructors. Please check the various departmental websites for course outlines and timetables to ascertain what courses are offered during a particular term.

Please be aware of the registration procedures in each department. You will need an academic change form and permissions.

Art / Biology / Biomedical and Molecular Sciences (incl. Pharmacology & Toxicology)Chemical Engineering / Civil Engineering / Commerce / Epidemiology / Global Development Studies / Geography and Urban Planning / Gender Studies / Geological Sciences & Geological Engineering / Law / Mechanical & Materials Engineering / Mining Engineering / Philosophy / Policy Studies / Political Studies / Religious Studies / Sociology

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