Workshops and Conferences

Professional development opportunities for RARC MAT practitioners, community psychologists, education and accessibility professionals

RARC regularly hosts professional development events for psychologists and professionals in the field of psychological assessment, post-secondary accessibility and transition services. RARC hosts a yearly two-day workshop as well as the High Incidence Disabilities Conference (HIDC) which takes place every few years, including in 2024. 

Lunch and Learn Series

RARC hosts a series of monthly professional development lunch and learn sessions for accessibility services staff, educators and other professionals in the field of psychological assessment and post-secondary accessibility and transition services. Slides will be made available to download following each session. 

We are offering a Winter Lunch and Learn Series from January - March 2025. Information about our winter sessions can be found below. Details to join the zoom calls can be found in the info flyer. 

Winter 2025 Lunch and Learn Info Flyer (PDF)


Pathways to Wellness: Online Wellness Toolkit for Indigenous Learner Download Session Slides (PDF 5.4 MB)
Thursday, January 23rd, 2025 
Marie McCarron

Validity: What is it and Why Do We Care? 
Thursday, February 20th, 2025
Dr. Allyson Harrison

Tricky Accommodations Issues
hursday, March 20th, 2025
Dr. Beth Pollock

To Refer or Not to Refer? That is the Question: Download Session Slides (PDF 1.8MB)
Thursday, September 19th
Dr. Beth Pollock & Alison Parker

All About Non-Verbal and Math LDs: What They Are and How to Support Students Download Session Slides (PDF 1.6MB)
Thursday, October 17th
Dr. Beth Pollock

Tricky Accommodations Issues
Thursday, November 21st
Dr. Beth Pollock

Creating Culturally Safe Spaces: Download Session Slides
Thursday, June 13th
Dr. Ben Kuo

Hot off the Press: New Research Findings to Inform Practice
Thursday, July 18th
Dr. Allyson Harrison & Nathaniel Davin

Emerging Trends in AT and Learning Strategies: Download Session Slides
Thursday, August 15th
Candice Daiken, Gillian Goldsmith & Alexandra Bosco

Screening for Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Download Session Slides
Thursday, January 25th

Transition Supports for Incoming Students: Download Session Slides
Thursday, February 29th

Tricky Accommodation Issues (Slideshow not available)
Thursday, March 28th

Autism Spectrum Disorder: What it is and how to accommodate/support students with the condition: Download Session Slides
Thursday, September 21st

Accommodating and Supporting Students with Specific Mental Health Disorders: Download Session Slides
Thursday, October 19th

Tricky Accommodation Issues: Download Session Slides
Thursday, November 23rd

Demystifying Psychoeducational Assessments: Download Session Slides
Thursday, July 6th

Linking Functional Impairments to Appropriate Accommodations: Download Session Slides
Thursday, July 20th

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: What it is and how to support students diagnosed with the conditionDownload Session Slides
Thursday, August 3rd

Tricky Accommodation Issues: Download Session Slides
Thursday, August 17th

In-Person Events

Each year, the RARC Workshop takes place at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. The next RARC Workshop will take place May 8 and 9, 2025. 

Every 5 years, the ARCs (RARC and NOARC) host a High Incidence Disability Conference (HIDC). Our most recent HIDC conference took place in May 2024. To stay up to date about all of RARC's in-person events, make sure to join our Contact List.

You can check out more information about our current/past in-person events from the drop-downs below.

RARC Workshop 2025 

We are excited to announce that our next RARC Workshop will be taking place on Thursday, May 8 - Friday, May 9, 2025. It will be taking place at the Donald Gordon Conference Centre at Queen’s University, in Kingston, Ontario. This year's theme is "Beyond Barriers: Sharing Innovative Insights and Strategies in Post-Secondary Accessibility". The workshop will be dedicated to exploring and sharing innovative practices, unique approaches, and new initiatives that are shaping the landscape of accessibility and student support in higher education.  

Featured topics include:

  • Assistive Technology for Student Success
  • Innovative Assessment Models
  • Express Registration
  • Reasonable Documentation and Accommodations for High Incidence Disabilities



Registration for the 2025 RARC Workshop opens on December 2, 2024 and closes on April 1, 2025. The registration form is linked below. 

RARC Workshop 2025 Registration Form (pdf)


RARC hosts an annual workshop in Kingston, Ontario, for psychologists, accessibility services staff and other professionals in the fields of psychology, education, and accessibility.  

Want to learn a little more about our past workshop?

Click here to view the 2022 RARC Workshop Flyer

In May 2024, we hosted our 3rd High Incidence Disabilities Conference in Toronto, Ontario. The theme was: Navigating Assessment, Academic Accommodations, and Post-Secondary Supports in a Changing World. This event welcomed over 200 attendees for two days of exceptional workshops and keynotes in the fields of mental health, learning disabilities, and ADHD, as well as breakout workshops from other field experts.

Want to learn a little more about the most recent conference?

Click here to view the HIDC 2024 Flyer

Virtual Workshops

RARC's mission is to promote equity and access for students with neurodevelopmental disorders in post-secondary education, and one of the ways we aim to do this is by providing training and information to practitioners and educators across Ontario. There are no virtual workshops scheduled at the moment, but we will update information here when the next workshop is planned. You can check out our ongoing Lunch and Learn sessions (top of this page) and join our Contact List to stay tuned for upcoming workshops. 

See the drop-downs below for examples of past virtual workshops.

In spring 2024, we hosted the teacher workshop series, where we presented content from our popular Parent Workshop Series, reframed for teachers, so that they may access the same material that we share directly with families. In these sessions, we discuss the challenges faced by students with neurodevelopmental disorders, and their families, as they transition from elementary to secondary school. Additionally, presenters highlight the important role of transition planning to help students feel more confident and prepared to meet educational challenges in secondary school and beyond.

This training is appropriate for teachers, school administrators, resource teachers, guidance counsellors, and others supporting students in the intermediate grades (grades 7-10). There is no fee for these sessions, however attendance at both sessions is mandatory.

Add yourself to RARC's contact list to be kept up to date with future training and professional development opportunities. 

Past Teacher Workshop Series Flyer (PDF 811 KB)

In this presentation, we discussed programming, accommodations, and supports that equip secondary students with disabilities with the necessary knowledge and skills to access post-secondary education. Presenters highlighted the important role of transition planning to help students feel more confident and prepared to meet educational challenges. The role of assessment and appropriate determination and implementation of accommodations was also central to the discussion. This training is appropriate for school administration, resource teachers, guidance counsellors, and others supporting students. There is no fee for the training. See the linked flyer for the session objectives.

Session Flyer - Supporting Successful Transitions - Nov 24, 2023

Join Our Contact List

If you'd like to join our RARC contact list to receive information about upcoming professional development and training opportunities, please fill out our RARC Contact List form below. 

Fill out the RARC Contact List