
Smith’s four-year Bachelor of Commerce program is designed to develop exceptional leaders, valuable team members, and highly effective managers. Personalize your degree by taking advantage of numerous opportunities available to you in this program — the Certificate in Social Impact, study abroad options, and positions in ComSoc, the largest undergraduate business society in Canada.


Certificate in Business

Smith offers a Certificate in Business which can be taken while pursuing a non-business undergraduate degree. It expands horizons and career options by providing the fundamentals of business management.

Graduate Diploma in Business

Artificial Intelligence (Management)

The potential of artificial intelligence is extraordinary. The power to transform operations, customer experiences, and product and service design is exponential. These opportunities cut across every sector. Harnessing AI’s potential for competitive performance requires a new type of professional -- one who not only understands the capacity of the science but has the expertise to apply it to organizational needs and strategies, and who can navigate ethical, economic, and societal implications. 

Advanced Leadership for Social Impact

The Advanced Leadership for Social Impact Fellowship prepares experienced leaders with the skills, knowledge, and networks needed to meaningfully tackle the root causes and drivers of social issues or problems. By focusing on developing leaders with the skills and perspectives to tackle complex issues, Queen’s University can help solve the world’s most significant and urgent challenges.

Executive Education

Queen's Executive Education offers customized development programs, digital learning, and open enrollment courses for a new generation of global leaders. Our unique style of professional development helps organizations, management and leadership to develop their potential, embrace change and improve the lives of us all.

International Business

Smith’s Master of International Business is a full-time program beginning each year in September. Available in single and double degree options, the curriculum covers topics ranging from understanding the global economy to leading effectively in a cross-cultural context. As a direct entry program, no previous work experience is required.


Smith offers two ways to earn your Master of Finance degree: domestically in Toronto or internationally in Beijing, China.

Each program will provide:

Financial Innovation & Technology

Technology has undeniably changed how financial markets and institutions function. Every part of the financial value chain is being disrupted by nimble technology-based innovators and changing the skills required to be successful in modern finance. The Master of Financial Innovation & Technology is a 14-month program that addresses the need in the financial sector for leaders with a solid understanding of finance, as well as data science and machine learning. You'll benefit by learning from expert faculty using real world corporate data sets.

MBA / Business Administration

Smith School of Business offers four unique ways to earn your MBA degree. In addition to our world-renowned Full-time MBA program, offered at our Kingston campus, we offer three programs that allow managers to study while they work in locations across Canada: the Executive MBA, the Executive MBA Americas (a dual degree program), and the Accelerated MBA for those with an undergrad degree in business.

Accelerated MBA for Business Graduates