Royal Bank of Canada
I completed a thesis-based masters degree at Queen’s, and I count those two years as some of the best of my life.
Academically, it was a challenge, but immensely rewarding. The core graduate courses were rich with content and learning opportunities; my understanding of algebra went from almost nothing to a solid foundation in the crucible that was Algebra 1, and the differential geometry course offered by the department was a beautiful introduction to the subject. When I started doing research I found that my supervisor was extremely generous with his time. This careful instruction helped hone my mathematical abilities to the point where I felt very well prepared to start my PhD.
"II completed a thesis-based masters degree at Queen’s, and I count those two years as some of the best of my life."
Tristan Milne
Socially, my time at Queen’s was truly fun. Because the grad program is on the smaller side, it’s very easy to get to know people, and I made friends in the program that I am still in touch with today, almost 10 years later. The department had a vibrant social scene, with activities that included a summer softball team, Christmas parties, and an unsanctioned luau in the math department courtyard. The benefits of the Queen’s community extend beyond the math department as well - due to the proximity of Jeffrey Hall to the music building, and the wide availability of practise rooms in the latter, I was often able to sneak away from Jeffrey Hall while stuck on a math problem to go loosen up my neurons with some piano playing. That kind of experience is so much harder to find at a bigger school!
With all it has to offer to prospective students with regards to academic rigour and quality of life, I would strongly recommend the Department of Mathematics and Statistics to anyone!