Hello Students! 

We hope that your summer was restful, and you are ready for another exciting term at Queen’s. We are looking forward to welcoming you back to campus very soon! 

So, what is Student Community Relations? SCR is a part of Support Services and Community Engagement, a division of Student Affairs. Our goal is to foster positive neighbourhood relations and good citizenship among Queen’s students living in the Kingston Community. We strive to help students living off-campus uncover what Kingston has to offer and become integrated into the broader Kingston community. This includes being a good neighbour, respecting the community you live in, and giving back.   

To welcome you back to Kingston this fall, we will again be distributing campus and community resource packages to students living in the off-campus community this September! SCR is excited to be doing this initiative again; distributing helpful resources and connecting with more students! There are so many useful resources and exciting swag items for you to enjoy with your housemates. 

To stay up to date on current initiatives, and when we will be out in the community near you, follow us @queensussce! This way, you will be the first to know when we are near you in the community all year! 

Moving in / First Week Priorities  

When you move in to an off-campus property, there are many steps you can take to make your year go more smoothly with your housemates. Make sure to look at the first week priorities page located within our Off-Campus Student Living Guide for tips and suggestions for making your time off-campus easier! 

This can include conducting a move-in inspection, documenting any damage to your apartment previous to your living there so you can bring it to the attention of your landlord right away. This could help prevent you from being wrongfully blamed for any damages there were there when you moved in. Other first week tips, include making a chore chart with your housemates and sorting out other expectations including shared items and guests. It may seem redundant, but it can prevent conflict later in the year. 


Are you familiar with UDSI? If not, please educate yourself and others so you aware of how this may affect you. The University District Safety Initiative is a bylaw initiative that changes the ways in which people within the City of Kingston can be charged/ticketed during times commonly associated with unsanctioned gatherings including Move-in, Welcome Week, Homecoming and St. Patrick’s Day. This initiative includes information sharing between the City, Queen’s and the Police, and potential university related non-academic consequences for any Queen's University student issued a summons through this initiative. This also allows officers to issue a Part I Court Summons or an Administrative Monetary Penalty. See the city of Kingston’s website for more information 

If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to scr@queensu.ca. Take care and we look forward to connecting with you soon!

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