Are you in need of a little pick-me-up treat? Keep an eye out for the Student Ambassador team later this month. They will be out in the community, hosting some engagement stations to check-in with students and wish you well on your exams. Don’t miss the chance to grab a treat from them. So if you see them out and about, please be sure to stop and say hi.

Exams can be an incredibly stressful time for students. We have partnered with the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Services (SVPRS) (who provides information and options for on an off campus support), and will be distributing treat bags to students living Off-Campus. The treat bags not only serve as a small gesture of support and encouragement for students as December exams approach but also as a reminder of campus resources and that it is important to take time for yourself during busy and stressful times. 

Good luck with the rest of this term, your upcoming exams and remember to take time for yourself during this demanding time of year.

Students at hot chocolate engagement station

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