Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Gender Studies – Minor (Arts)


Subject: Administered by the Department of Gender Studies.
Plan: Consists of 30.00 units as described below.
Program: The Plan, in combination with a Major plan in another subject, and with sufficient electives, will lead to an Honours Bachelors Degree.

1. Core
A. Complete the following:
GNDS 120Women, Gender, Difference3.00
B. Complete the following:
GNDS 125Gender, Race, and Popular Culture3.00
C. Complete the following:
GNDS 212Racism, Colonialism, and Resistance3.00
GNDS 215Introduction to Sexual and Gender Diversity3.00
2. Option
A. Complete 18.00 units from the following:18.00
Total Units30.00

3. Notes

A. Other courses may be approved for inclusion in this degree program with permission of the Undergraduate Chair of the Department of Gender Studies.

B. A maximum of 6.00 units from courses offered by other Faculties and Schools may be counted toward the program and/or Plan requirements. This includes courses in BMED, COMM, GLPH, HSCI, LAW, NURS, and courses offered by Smith Engineering.

Gender Studies Course Lists

The following list contains courses offered through other Departments. In accordance with Academic Regulation 2.6 (Access to Classes), students do not have enrolment priority in all of these courses. Access to these courses may only be made available during the Open Enrolment period, and then only if space permits.


Gender Studies Options
ARTH 310Art and Feminisms3.00
ARTH 311Gender and Modernism3.00
BADR 101Acting Globally3.00
BIOL 369Sex and Evolution3.00
BLCK 200Black Studies and the Politics of Liberation: An Introduction3.00
DEVS 260Globalization, Gender, and Development3.00
DEVS 306Cuban Culture and Society l3.00
DEVS 307Cuban Culture and Society ll Havana3.00
ECON 262Labour Markets and Gender Differences3.00
ENGL 222Selected Women Writers Pre-19003.00
ENGL 223Selected Women Writers Post-19003.00
ENGL 277Literature and Gender3.00
ENSC 321Environmental Justice in Global Context3.00
FILM 330Gender and Media3.00
FILM 331Women and Film3.00
FILM 332Queer Cinemas3.00
FREN 390Genre et littérature3.00
GPHY 352Gender and the City3.00
HIST 210The History of Sexuality in Canada3.00
HIST 283Women and Gender in North America3.00
HIST 446Gender, Sexuality, and Race in South Asia3.00
HIST 447Sex and the History of Medicine3.00
HIST 464Sexuality: A Global History6.00
IDIS 302Race and Racism3.00
LAW 516Sexuality & Reproductive Justice3.00
LLCU 244Hips Don't Lie? Music and Culture in Latin America3.00
LLCU 326Film in the New Europe3.00
LLCU 328Gender, Development, and Film in Latin America3.00
LLCU 354Women's Voices in Latin America3.00
MECH 333Gender, Engineering and Technology3.00
PHIL 275Thinking Gender, Sex, and Love3.00
PHIL 276Critical Perspective on Social Diversity3.00
PHIL 376Philosophy and Feminism3.00
PHIL 454Topics in Feminist Philosophy3.00
POLS 280Introduction to Women, Gender, and Politics3.00
POLS 318The Canadian Welfare State3.00
POLS 352Women and the History of Political Thought3.00
POLS 382Gender and Social Policy3.00
POLS 443Gender and Globalization3.00
POLS 456Theories of Identity Politics3.00
POLS 483Justice and Gender3.00
PSYC 366Gender/Sex, Hormones, and Behaviour3.00
RELS 236Religion and Sex3.00
RELS 312Feminist Theology and Christianity3.00
RELS 332Race, Ethnicity, and Religion3.00
SOCY 303Selected Topics in Feminist Sociology3.00
SOCY 384Women and Reproduction Technology3.00
SOCY 389Gender, Law, and Crime3.00
SOCY 403Sociology of the Body3.00
SOCY 431Advanced Studies in Gender Relations3.00
SPAN 354Voces femeninas en America Latina3.00
SPAN 428Gender, Development and Film in Latin America3.00