CVs, Cover Letters and Mock Interviews for Academic Positions

Start date
October 24, 2022 at 9:00 am
End date
October 24, 2022 at 12:00 pm
Core Competency
Career Development
Tara McDonald and Chris DeLuca
Gordon Hall, Room 302

This workshop is in two parts:  CV's and Cover Letters followed by Mock Interviews.

Learn the purpose and components of a CV, effective ways of presenting and organizing information about your educational, employment, and community service achievements, and strategies for writing informative, engaging, and persuasive cover letters for academic positions.

Learn how interviewing in academia is similar to and different from other job interviews. Practice a strategy for dealing with behaviour-based interview questions and staying focused when talking about your past experiences. Identify key messages about yourself that you want to convey during an often multi-day interview. Get tips on how to: prepare for the interview, develop a list of questions that reflect your interest in the position and the organization, stand out from other candidates, and demonstrate the strengths that you bring to the position. This workshop also provides students with the opportunity to observe academic interviews in action.