It is safe to say, studying abroad is the most extraordinary and special experience a student can have. For me, living and studying in Maastricht was no exception. From
learning in a new environment, to traveling around Europe, exchange has taught me so much about myself, about the world, and about people.
The university itself is very international with students coming from all over the world, including Australia, France, Finland, Mexico, and so many more. The university utilizes a teaching format known as problem-based learning. This means that there are very few lectures in which you must listen and take notes while a professor is speaking. Instead most classes consist of 10-12 students with two tutorials per week. Each class is discussion based with a tutorial leader which allows for engaging and active learning. It was also fun because with such a small number of students, it is much easier to get to know your classmates. This style also allows for individuals to share their opinions and hear from others as well. This style is made even more effective due to the internationality of the students. Having students come from all over the world increases perspectives and cultures that are brought to the discussion.
There is also an opportunity to take a research course where in the final month you have the opportunity to collaborate with a group of students and conduct your own research. You work together with your professor to develop a research question of your choosing and then form teams based on what your research interests are. I conducted qualitative research on sexual and romantic satisfaction among monogamous and non-monogamous students!
Further, it is common for exchange students to live in the GuestHouse C or P. I lived in guest house C and was able to make lifelong friends there. I shared a floor with 10
others and shared a kitchen, living room, toilets, and showers. This made it easy to connect with people from all over the world. Through collaborating with my floormates, I
learned how to make Italian dishes, Spanish coffee, American burgers, and Hungarian stew!
During my time off school, I was able to travel easily due to the convenient location of Maastricht, basically in the center of western Europe. Frequently, my friends and I would even bike to the border of Belgium for swimming and picnicking. Because Maastricht is geographically placed right in between Belgium and Germany, I was able to visit those countries often. I also had the opportunity to visit cities and towns within the Netherlands. It was so cool to immerse myself into all the different cultures and