- Who: Senior undergraduates in biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, earth science, and physics
- Where: Germany
- When: Start date is typically between mid-May and mid-July
- How long: 10 weeks - 3 months
- For academic credit? Typically, no
- GPA requirement: A strong GPA is essential
- Application fee: No
- Program fee: No
- Tuition: No
- Financial assistance: $6,000 research award from MITACS/DAAD; health, accident, and liability insurance from DAAD
- OSAP eligible: No
The RISE-Globalink Research Internship (RISE-GRI) is a competitive research initiative. It is co-funded and supported by DAAD and Mitacs. It offers undergraduate students at Canadian universities in specified fields the opportunity to participate in a research project supervised by a doctoral student at a German university or institution.
German language skills are not required for most positions but would be helpful to manage everyday life outside of the laboratory. The working language will generally be English.
For more information see the RISE Germany website and the Mitacs website.
Please contact the RISE Germany team at rise-germany@daad.de if you have questions about eligibility.
Applications must be submitted through the RISE Germany portal on the program website.