St Andrews Exchange Program

  • Who: Undergraduate Arts and Science and Smith Engineering students in an Honours program
  • Where: University of St Andrews, Scotland
  • When: Fall and Winter
  • How long: Full-year (September-May) 
  • For academic credit? Yes
  • GPA requirement: 3.2 cum GPA
  • Application fee: No
  • Program fee: $200 (payable at time of acceptance, not application)
  • Costs borne by student: Travel documentation, flights, insurance, accommodation
  • Tuition: Payable to Queen's University
  • Financial assistance: Yes - St Andrews scholarships valued at $8000 CDN
  • OSAP eligible: Yes

St Andrews University logoThe Queen's University exchange to the University of St Andrews is one of the oldest at Queen's University. Successful candidates receive a generous scholarship. The Robert Tyre Jones Jr. Scholarships are designed to award all-around excellence in students exchanging between the University of St Andrews and selected Canadian universities (Queen's and the University of Western Ontario). These scholarships are awarded based on outstanding academic performance. Candidates must show a passion for the pursuit of learning and a commitment to the ongoing life of their university and/or wider community.

The scholarships are valued at $8,000 CDN each and there are 4 positions available for this scholarship and exchange. The Queen's-St Andrews exchange is open to undergraduate students from the Faculty of Arts and Science and Smith Engineering.


You must be:

  • Enrolled in an Honours (four-year) program at Queen's.
  • Enrolled full-time in second year of a degree program in the Faculty of Arts and Science or Smith Engineering and be returning to Queen's to complete an Honours degree
  • In good academic standing, with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.2 or higher at the time of the application deadline (January).
  • Meet the requirements of the exchange partner university regarding level of entry, GPA, and term(s) of attendance.


Complete the online application form

You do not need to pay the program fee now. You will be asked to pay if your application is successful and you accept your exchange offer.


Submit supporting documents with the online application

You must submit your Essay (max 2 pages, double spaced), the Canadian Robert T. Jones Scholarship Application, and Explanatory Letter. 


Previous university transcript (not required for all students)

Transfer students must submit a copy of their transcript from their previous school. Unofficial transcripts will be accepted.

Supporting Documents

Please review the following section for specific information on each supporting document. Here are some important supporting document reminders:

  • Submit all supporting documents through the online application by the published deadlines to ensure a complete application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Include your name and student number on all supporting documents.
  • Rigorously check all supporting documents for spelling and grammatical errors as they will be read by the selection committee.

You must write an essay on how the life of Robert Tyre Jones, Jr. relates to your life, experiences, and goals. The essay must be typed, double spaced and no longer than two pages in length.

This application must be printed, signed in full and submitted online to the International Programs Office along with other supporting documents.

You must submit a letter explaining why you wish to attend the University of St Andrews and the program of study. 

Additionally,  your letter should contain information about evidenced intercultural experiences, work experience, volunteer experience, participating in teams, or clubs, etc. all during post-secondary studies at Queen's and how these experience will help you in adjusting and thriving at St Andrews. The Selection Committee is looking for someone who is engaged, well-rounded, mature, and capable of taking on a new challenge. 

The letter must be no longer than two pages in length (double-spaced) and contain the your signature.

Applicants are not required to obtain an official Queen's transcript from the Registrar's Office as the IPO office is able to access academic records for the application.

Transfer students should submit a copy of their transcript from their previous university. Unofficial transcripts will be accepted.

Selection Process

Applications for the University of St Andrews exchange program are forwarded to the appropriate faculty for review and successful candidates are put forward to the selection committee for consideration. Select applicants will be contacted by the Office of Financial Aid and Awards for an interview with the selection committee in the final stage of the application process.

A selection committee composed of university academic staff will adjudicate the applications and will, in cooperation with the Board of Trustees of the Canadian Robert T. Jones, Jr. Scholarship Foundation, select the award winners.

All students will receive a communication from the International Programs Office containing their results prior to Reading Week via Queen's email.


Want to learn more about exchange? While most students will start their research in 2nd year, it's never too early to begin! Come to one of our Fall info sessions such as Exchange 101, Get an A+ in Exchange, Funding Exchange, Meet the Partners, and more!

See upcoming events


Look at our resources covering safety, funding and budgeting, as well as identity-based resources to help you research and plan your exchange.

Start by looking at our budgeting tips


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