Eric Hanson (LaCIM, Montreal)


Monday October 25, 2021
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm


Online via Zoom

Algebra & Geometry Seminar

Monday, October 25th, 2021

Time: 4:30 p.m.  Place: Online via Zoom (contact Kaveh Mousavand for Zoom link)

Speaker: Eric Hanson (LaCIM, Montreal)

Title: tau-perpendicular wide subcategories.

Abstract: Let $\Lambda$ be a finite-dimensional algebra. Jasso's $\tau$-tilting reduction, later extended by Buan-Marsh, allows one to relate the $\tau$-tilting theory of mod-$\Lambda$ to that of a certain type of subcategory. In this talk, we classify these subcategories using the notions of functorial finiteness and Serre subcategories. As an application, we give a definition of the "$\tau$-cluster morphism category" of an arbitrary finite-dimensional algebra. This definition extends those of Igusa-Todorov (hereditary case) and Buan-Marsh ($\tau$-tilting finite case). This talk is based on joint work with Aslak Bakke Buan.

Website details here:

Michael Brannan (University of Waterloo)


Friday October 22, 2021
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm


In-person (Jeffery Hall 234) & Online (via Zoom)

Math & Stats Department Colloquium


Michael Brannan (University of Waterloo)

Friday, October 22nd, 2021

Time: 2:30 p.m.  Place: In-person (Jeffery Hall 234) & Online (via Zoom)

Speaker: Michael Brannan (University of Waterloo)

Title: Quantum symmetries of graphs and non-local games

Abstract: Given a finite graph X, a fundamental question that one can ask about the structure of X is: ``What are its symmetries?'' Most of the time, when we think of symmetries of X, the usual automorphism group of X comes to mind. In this talk, I will describe a more general notion of symmetry of graphs, called quantum symmetries. Quantum symmetries of graphs arise quite naturally within the framework of non-commutative geometry and are encoded by a certain universal Hopf algebra (i.e., quantum group) co-acting on the algebra of functions on the vertex set of the graph. Very recently, quantum symmetries of graphs have also been found to arise within the context of two-player non-local games in quantum information theory. More precisely, they encode winning entangled strategies for the so-called graph isomorphism game. I will give a light introduction to all of these ideas and highlight how tools from non-local games and representation theory combine in a very powerful way to elucidate the structure of graphs, their quantum symmetries, and related operator algebra problems.

Michael Brannan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pure Mathematics at the University of Waterloo. Before moving to Waterloo in 2021, he was an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Texas A&M University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Queen's University. He is interested in operator algebras, quantum information theory, representation theory, quantum symmetries, non-commutative probability, quantum algebra, and interactions between these fields.

Christopher Eur (Harvard University)


Monday October 18, 2021
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm


Online via Zoom

Algebra & Geometry Seminar

Monday, October 18th, 2021

Time: 4:30 p.m.  Place: Online via Zoom (contact Kaveh Mousavand for Zoom link)

Speaker: Christopher Eur (Harvard University)

Title: Tautological classes of matroids.

Abstract: Algebraic geometry has furnished fruitful tools for studying matroids, which are combinatorial abstractions of hyperplane arrangements. We first survey some recent developments, pointing out how these developments remained partially disjoint. We then introduce certain vector bundles (K-classes) on permutohedral varieties, which we call "tautological bundles (classes)" of matroids, as a new framework that unifies, recovers, and extends these recent developments. Our framework leads to new questions that further probe the boundary between combinatorics and geometry. Joint work with Andrew Berget, Hunter Spink, and Dennis Tseng.

Website details here:

Allan Francis Merino (University of Ottawa)


Monday October 4, 2021
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm


Online via Zoom

Algebra & Geometry Seminar

Monday, October 4th, 2021

Time: 4:30 p.m.  Place: Online via Zoom (contact Kaveh Mousavand for Zoom link)

Speaker: Allan Francis Merino (University of Ottawa)

Title: Transfer of characters in the theta correspondence.

Abstract: For every irreducible reductive dual pair $(G, G')$ in $Sp(W)$, R. Howe proved the existence of an isomorphism between the spaces $R(G)$ and $R(G')$, where $R(G)$ is the set of infinitesimal equivalence classes of irreducible admissible representations of $\tilde{G}$; (preimage of $G$ in the metaplectic group) which can be realized as a quotient of the metaplectic representation. All the representations appearing in the previous duality have a distribution character, and characters are analytic objects completely identifying the irreducible representations. In particular, one natural question is to understand the transfer of characters in the previous duality (or Howe’s duality).

In 2000, T. Przebinda introduced the Cauchy-Harish-Chandra integral and conjectured that the transfer of characters should be obtained via this map. In my talk, after recalling carefully Howe’s duality theorem and the construction of the Cauchy-Harish-Chandra integral, I will explain what is known about the conjecture, explain recent results I got and some ongoing projects for the lift of discrete series representation of $\tilde{G}$ for a general dual pair $(G, G')$.

Website details here:

Julian Sahasrabudhe (University of Cambridge)


Friday October 8, 2021
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm


Online via Zoom

Math & Stats Department Colloquium


Julian Sahasrabudhe (University of Cambridge)

Friday, October 8th, 2021

Time: 2:30 p.m.  Place: Online (via Zoom)

Speaker: Julian Sahasrabudhe (University of Cambridge)

Title: Probabilistic combinatorics at exponentially small scales

Abstract: In this talk I will discuss a set of tools that has recently been developed to think about events of extremely small probability in finite probability spaces. I try to will weave together how this sort of thinking was used to solve two longstanding problems in two different fields: an old problem of Littlewood in harmonic analysis, and an exponential bound on the singularity probability of a random symmetric matrix.

Julian Sahasrabudhe is a university lecturer (assistant professor in the Canadian system) in the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics at the University of Cambridge. He was a Junior Research Fellow at Peterhouse, University of Cambridge from 2017 to 2021. He got his Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of Memphis in 2017. He is interested in extremal and probabilistic combinatorics, and intersections with probability, analysis and combinatorial number theory. Most recently, he has been interested in random polynomials and random matrices. He was awarded the European Prize in Combinatorics in 2021.

Charles Paquette (RMC & Queen's University)


Monday September 27, 2021
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm


Online via Zoom

Algebra & Geometry Seminar

Monday, September 27th, 2021

Time: 4:30 p.m.  Place: Online via Zoom (contact Kaveh Mousavand for Zoom link)

Speaker: Charles Paquette (Royal Military College & Queen's University)

Title: Simple representations over free products of semi-simple algebras via quivers.

Abstract: This is a report on joint work with Andrew Buchanan, Ivan Dimitrov, Olivia Grace, David Wehlau and Tianyuan Xu. We consider a free product $A$ of semi-simple $\mathbb{K}$-algebras over an algebraically closed field and show how representation theory of a suitable finite acyclic quiver $Q$ can be used to understand the representation theory of $A$. In particular, we show that the simple $A$-modules correspond to stable representations of $Q$ for some stability parameter. We apply this to the representation theory of free products of finite groups.

Website details here:

David Sumpter (University of Uppsala)


Friday October 1, 2021
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm


Online via Zoom

Math & Stats Department Colloquium


David Sumpter (University of Uppsala)

Friday, October 1st, 2021

Time: 2:30 p.m.  Place: Online (via Zoom)

Speaker: David Sumpter (University of Uppsala)

Title: Are there Ten Equations that rule the world? And if so, what are they?

Abstract: I describe ten key equations you need to know in order to make better decisions, understand the filter created by social media and even to be a better person. Using examples, such as ‘deciding whether your new boss is an idiot?’, 'deciding when to stop watching a Netflix series' and ‘buying new headphones’, I present some new ways of seeing some of our favourite mathematical results. I also describe these equations' role in society: in finance, gambling, social media and artificial intelligence. Surprisingly few people in the general public understand these key equations and the small group that do are becoming increasingly rich and powerful. I think there are (order) ten equations that rule the world and we have to learn how to use them and spread their usage.

David Sumpter is Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Uppsala, Sweden. He is the author of Soccermatics and Outnumbered, which have been translated into ten languages, and Collective Animal Behaviour, the leading text in the academic field he helped create. He has worked with a number of the world's biggest football clubs, advising on analytics, as well as consulting on betting.

Video of David Sumpter's talk (mp4, 1.7 GB)

Kaveh Mousavand (Queen's University)


Monday September 20, 2021
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm


Online via Zoom

Algebra & Geometry Seminar

Monday, September 20th, 2021

Time: 4:30 p.m.  Place: Online via Zoom (contact Kaveh Mousavand for Zoom link)

Speaker: Kaveh Mousavand (Queen's University)

Title: Module varieties of biserial algebras.

Abstract: Biserial algebras form and important family of tame algebras which contain several interesting families, such as gentle, string and special biserial algebras. In our ongoing joint work with Charles Paquette, we have verified a recent conjecture on the behavior of Schur representations (a.k.a bricks) over biserial algebras. This allows us to better describe the behavior of irreducible components of moduli spaces of representations over biserial algebras and also relate our results to the recent work of Chindris-Kinser-Weyman on the semi-invariants of the ring of polynomials of every such components.

Website details here:

Eric Rowland (Hofstra University)


Friday September 24, 2021
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm


Online via Zoom

Math & Stats Department Colloquium


Eric Rowland (Hofstra University)

Friday, September 24th, 2021

Time: 2:30 p.m.  Place: Online (via Zoom)

Speaker: Eric Rowland (Hofstra University)

Title: Congruences for some sequences arising in combinatorics.

Abstract: Over the last 15 years there have been a number of papers studying congruence properties of sequences such as the Catalan numbers that arise in combinatorial settings. Proofs of these properties have relied on methods particular to each sequence. However, by realizing a sequence as the diagonal of a rational power series in multiple variables, we can compute congruence information modulo prime powers in a completely automatic way. This approach reduces the proofs of many known results to routine computations, establishes new theorems for well-known sequences, and allows us to resolve some conjectures about the Apery numbers.

Eric Rowland is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Hofstra University. Before joining Hofstra, he held postdoctoral positions at Tulane University, the University of Waterloo, the University of Quebec at Montreal, and the University of Liege. He got his Ph.D. in Mathematics in 2009 from Rutgers University. He studies arithmetic properties of integer sequences that arise in combinatorial settings. His research involves a nice mix of number theory, combinatorics, and theoretical computer science.