Logo Resources

The Queen’s logo is the official visual representation of the university and is available in a variety of formats appropriate for different uses including horizontal and vertical orientations, print and digital file formats. It is imperative that the guidelines for correct logo use be understood and followed. Review the logo guidelines prior to downloading resources.

Please note that only those individuals who work for the university and have a Queen's email address may access the brand resources.

Logos for Print Use

Print logos are formatted in CMYK and available for download in .eps and .jpg file formats. For printed applications, the preferred logo file format is .eps as the vector artwork is scalable to any size without loss of resolution.

Logos for Digital Use

Digital logos are formatted in RGB and available for download in .png and .eps file formats. The RGB .eps files can be used to create digital layouts in design programs. The .png files are suitable for web and on-screen applications and have a transparent background.

Horizontal Logo

The horizontal orientation of the Queen’s University logo is recommended for applications with a left or right justification. It is the preferred version for digital environments and works well in horizontal applications like website banners.

Access the horizontal logos

Vertical Logo

The vertical orientation of the Queen’s University logo is recommended for applications with a centred alignment and for more formal and ceremonial applications like certificates and awards. It is also a good choice when a larger shield is required, for example on merchandise.

Access the vertical logos


The Wordmark can be used sparingly, for circumstances in which quality reproduction of the full Queen’s logo would not be possible due to size and/or printing process. Please contact the University Relations Brand Team to approve wordmark use.

Access the wordmark

Visual Identity Guide

The Visual Identity Guide outlines the elements that create the Queen's brand style, as well as the full set of guidelines for the correct and consistent application of the visual identity. It is recommended to view the online PDF to ensure that you are referencing the most up-to-date version.

View the Visual Identity Guide (PDF 12.6 MB)