The logo lockup system is a critical element in strengthening the recognition, equity, and impact of the Queen’s brand. Access the logo lockup resources to retain a strong and consistent visual relationship with the larger Queen’s brand.
Lockups may be used in marketing, communications, business applications, and merchandise. They are not recommended for websites, social media, or official printed stationery. Lockups follow the same guidelines for correct usage as the Queen’s logo. Review logo lockup guidelines prior to downloading resources.
Each lockup is made available in horizontal and vertical orientations, in full colour, full colour reverse, black, and white, and in a variety of file formats. For instances in which the shield cannot be reproduced well due to size and/or printing process, wordmark lockups can also be provided upon request. Always use the logo lockup files provided. Do not reset, alter, or build your own logo lockup or signature.
Please note that only those individuals who work for the university and have a Queen's email address may access the brand resources.
Academic Lockups
Tier 1: Faculty and School lockups are available for download.
Please contact the Brand Team to request new Tier 2 and Tier 1&2 academic lockup sets.
Administrative Lockups
Tier 1: Main Administrative Department lockups are available for download.
Please contact the Brand Team to request new Tier 2 and Tier 1&2 administrative lockup sets.
Graphic Lockups
Graphic lockups can be requested for administrative and academic programs with pre-existing symbols or additional university units. Please provide the Brand Team with a graphic file for lockup creation.
Tertiary Signature
Tertiary Signatures can be requested for programs, degrees, collaborations, and special projects from the University Relations Brand Team.
Visual Identity Guide
The Visual Identity Guide outlines the elements that create the Queen's brand style, as well as the full set of guidelines for the correct and consistent application of the visual identity. It is recommended to view the online PDF to ensure that you are referencing the most up-to-date version. (PDF 12.6 MB)