Three Minute Thesis

No Props, One Slide, 3 Minutes

Registration for Queen's 2025 3MT is now open!


Official 3MT logo as of 2024


The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is an academic research communication competition developed by The University of Queensland (UQ), Australia.

From January to April each year, Queen's graduate students have the opportunity attend workshops and participate in the Queen's 3 minute thesis competition.  Following that our top participants have the chance to compete against other Canadian Universities as well as our Matariki partners.

3MT® is a university-wide competition for Queen’s Masters (thesis or research project) and doctoral students in which participants present their research and its wider impact in 3 minutes or less to a panel of non-specialist judges.

Distilling research into a clear form, without over-simplifying or making it overly complex, and highlighting the wider implications of this research are important skills to carry into post-graduate employment and public service.

This is a unique opportunity to communicate the innovative and significant research undertaken by our graduate students.

Competition Dates for 2025:

  • 3MT Heats: March 18, 19 & 20, 12 - 1:30 PM, Mitchell Hall, Event Commons
  • 3MT Final: March 26, 5 PM Start, Kinesiology 101
  • NAGS 3MT: April 25, 3pm start online
  • Ontario 3MT: May 15th in Toronto
  • Mataraki 3MT 2025: Dates to be advised. Videos from 2024 are available to view now.
  • CAGS 3MT showcase: November 6th in Ottawa. Watch the recording of the 2024 live stream. 

  • To participate in 3MT®  @ Queen's you must currently be an active Masters (Thesis or MRP) or Ph.D. or DSc. program at the time of the competition and must have made substantial progress on your research and analysis.  
  • Course-based Masters students are ineligible
  • Ph.D. and Masters students who have defended, but have not yet convocated, are eligible to participate.
  • Post-Docs are invited to participate in the heats as guests and will be judged separately by the graduate students. Postdocs are encouraged to sign up for the Postdoc Three Minute Research competition. Talk to the Coordinator Postdoctoral Affairs at
  • Visiting grad students and Exchange grad students may participate in the Queen's 3MT competition as guests, but will not be eligible to represent Queen's in either the Ontario 3MT, National 3MT, or Matariki 3MT, and are not eligible for the prize money. 
  • Presentations must be based on the primary research the student has conducted in their graduate program.
  • Presenters must agree to be video-taped and if in the final, give permission to have the video available on our website/Queen's YouTube
  • Presenters must agree to be photographed and give permission for the photos to be used for promotional purposes.
  • Presenters must have registered, completed the information form, sent in a photograph of themselves, and received confirmation of participation from the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs.
  • Presenters must be available to present, in person, on the day of their heat.  To advance in the competition, heat winners must also be available to present, in person, at the School of Graduate Studies final.
  • The Winner will be expected to represent Queen's at the Ontario 3MT® competition

It is understood that by registering, you have discussed your participation with your Supervisor and have agreed that you fulfill the eligibility requirements set out above.

NOTE: Past winners & Runner Up will not be eligible.

Registration opens January 30, 2025 and closes March 10th!

  1. Before you register, please ensure you are eligible.
  2. Log in to the 3MT Registration system and follow these instructions:
    • Always use your Queen's NetID and password
    • Fill in as many fields as you can now.
    • Choose a heat. A waitlist will be available once the heat is full.
    • You can go back into the system at any time to update any missed information.
    • Don't forget to provide a photo of yourself (JPEG) that we can use to help promote each heat.
    • Don't forget to provide a JPEG file of your one slide no later than one week before the start of the event. Use aspect ratio of PowerPoint of 16:9
    • Click "Save Data"
    • Sign out
  3. The School of Graduate Studies will contact you to confirm your participation.

If you have any trouble registering, contact Colette Steer at the SGSPA office at

  • A single static PowerPoint slide is permitted 
  • PowerPoint slide should be created using an aspect ratio of 16:9
  • No slide transitions, animations or movement of any description are allowed; the slide is to be presented from the beginning of the oration
  • No additional electronic media (e.g. sound and video files) is permitted
  • No additional props (e.g. costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment, laser pointers or note cards) are permitted
  • Presentations are limited to 3 minutes maximum and competitors exceeding 3 minutes are disqualified
  • Presentations are to be delivered in regular prose (eg no poems, slam poetry, raps, songs, or spoken word presentations)
  • Presentations must commence from and remain on the stage
  • Presentations are considered to have commenced when a presenter initiates either movement or speech
  • The decision of the judging panel is final

At every level of the competition, each competitor’s presentation will be assessed according to the criteria listed below.  Please note that each criterion is equally weighted.


  • Did the presenter use non-verbal communication (ie. eye contact, voice modulation, body language, etc) effectively?
  • Did the presenter use language and terminology that was clear, jargon-free and understandable to the general audience?
  • Did the presentation follow a logical sequence?
  • Did the presenter spend adequate time on each element of their presentation? Did they elaborate for too long on one aspect, or did the presentation feel rushed?


  • Did the talk help you to understand the scholarly research and creativity being undertaken?
  • Did the presenter clearly outline the nature and purpose of their research?
  • Did the presenter clearly indicate the fascinating or compelling aspects of their research?
  • Did the presentation provide an understanding of the background and significance of the research question being addressed?
  • Did the presentation clearly describe the impact and/or results of the research, including conclusions and outcomes?


  • Was the talk engaging?
  • Did the presenter capture and maintain the attention of the audience?
  • Did the presenter convey enthusiasm for their work?
  • Was the presenter careful not to trivialize or generalize their research?
  • Did the talk inspire you to want to know more?
  • Did the PowerPoint slide enhance the presentation - was it clear, legible, and concise? 

The 3MT® must represent the thesis project research of the presenter. Students must understand that the presentation of their research in a 3MT setting will be publicly accessible and in the public domain.

The presentation of the research, will not affect any pre-existing rights prior to and following the competition except as stated below:

  • Due to the nature of the competition, judges, reviewers, staff or the audience will not be asked to sign non-disclosure statements.
  • If your research is being/has been conducted under contract with an outside sponsor, please discuss the related contractual terms of confidentiality and intellectual property with your supervisor before participating in the competition.
  • All public sessions of the competition, including but not limited to oral presentations, are open to the public at large; any and all of these public sessions may be broadcast to interested persons through media which may include the Internet.
  • Any data or information discussed or presented in public sessions should be considered in the public domain.
  • If your research includes confidential or culturally sensitive material, we advise that you discuss your competition entry with your supervisor(s) before entering the 3MT®
  • The School of Graduate Studies, Queen's University and the 3 Minute Thesis Competition may make photocopies, photographs, videotapes and/or audiotapes of the presentations or material prepared for use in presentation at the 3MT®

Dates of Workshops and Sessions for 2025:

  • Preparing Your 3MT: February 4, 1:30 - 3:30 PM
  • Preparing Your 3MT (Online): February 13, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
  • Practice Your 3MT: February 27, 9:30 - 11:30 AM
  • Practice Your 3MT: March 4, 1:30 - 3:30 PM

Queen’s is committed to an inclusive campus community with accessible goods, services, and facilities that respect the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs forms, etc. are available in an accessible format or with appropriate communication, supports upon request.

Contact the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs:

Phone: 613-5336100
In-person: Gordon Hall, Room 425