Employee position number field added to Payroll Actuals details dept, Payroll Details Project reports and Payroll drill down pages.
Employee position number field has now been added to all payroll reports in FAST to assist with the analysis of comparing payroll actuals to budget salary templates. This provides the opportunity for departments to analyze actual salary expenses to salary budget templates where there are employee movements within positions that causes the analysis by employee ID to be less effective. Also, analyzing the actual expenses by position number in comparison to the HR data within the salary budget template provides an effective way to identify positions that are vacant or no longer required. The identified positions can be deactivated in the HR database providing better control over position management.
Please note that this is a prospective change where the position number has been included with the January pay files and will be reflected on a going forward basis. Payroll data prior to January 2023 will continue to not include position number.
Commitment reports:
Non-Payroll commitment details report
The Non-Payroll commitment details report is a new report for non-research transactions to show non-payroll related commitment details.
To access the report navigate to the Non Research Reports menu and click on the “Non-Payroll commitment details” report.
- This report runs best if you specify the chartfields that you want to see commitment details for. We recommend that you include fund, department and as of date criteria for your filters.
Once the report has ran you will see all inception to the date non-payroll commitment details for the filters entered.
Non-Payroll commitment details Project report
The Non-Payroll commitment details Project report is a new report for research to show non-payroll related commitment details.
To access the report navigate to the Research Reports menu and click on the “Non-Payroll commitment details Project” report.
- This report runs best if you specify the chartfields that you want to see commitment details for. We recommend that you include Project and as of date criteria for your filters.
Once the report has ran you will see all inception to the date non-payroll commitment details for the filters entered.
Subtotaling the report to determine what P.O’s have outstanding commitments.
Once the report has ran you can subtotal the report to determine what P.O’s still have outstanding commitments.
Click on the + More tab and select Advanced options.
Select the Subtotaling fields section, under field 1 select Year and under field 2 select Associated PO
Scroll down to the Grid Options section and choose the Sum group function for the amount column.
Now select the execute report button. Once the report has run it will show outstanding commitment amounts by year for the chartfields entered.
You can click on the arrow beside the fiscal year to expand the year and see the P.O details within that year.
If you click on the arrow beside the P.O number, you will see the detailed information associated with that PO that total the outstanding commitment amount.
Security reports:
Team Table Access report
This report is designed to replace the yearly security report that is sent out to Business Officer’s for review. The report indicates what project access a user has been assigned on the team table. This report can be ran ad-hoc throughout the year to confirm users’ security.
- To access the report navigate to the security menu and click on the “Team Table Access” report.
- You can run the report without any filter criteria by just clicking the “Execute Report” button, this will show you all users with project security for the projects that you have access to, and the role access assigned to the user.
- You can also add filters to limit the data that will be returned to just specific projects. You can add specific projects in the ‘Project ID’ filter (ex: 378123), you can enter a range (ex:378001-378999) or you can enter a like filter (ex: 378%) to limit the results that will be returned.
Once the report has ran you will see project, role and team member information in the report.
Super User Access report
This report is designed to replace the yearly security report that is sent out to Business Officer’s for review. The report indicates what users have super user access, which grants access to all departments within PeopleSoft. This report can be ran ad-hoc throughout the year to confirm users’ security.
- To access the report, navigate to the security menu and click on the “Super User Access” report.