Awards & Scholarships Deadlines

This listing is simply to provide you with a timeframe for award/scholarship deadlines. 

Please check your email messages from the Graduate Assistant for full details about application procedures for awards and scholarships.

Guidelines and complete instructions for the 2026-2027 Canada Graduate Scholarships –Master’s (CGS M) competition are now available from this website

The online Canadian Common CV (CCV) and the online “Research Portal” application for the 2026-2027 CGS M competition are accessed from this website.

Clicking on the above links will take you to a website displaying the NSERC banner and logo, but this is the procedure and information for CGS M applications to all three funding agencies: CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC.

Student Deadline: December 1 before 08:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.  

Note: As this deadline date approaches, processing delays may stem from a high volume of users on the Research Portal, which may prevent the timely submission of the application.  Requests to submit late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances.

CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC have now harmonized the Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral (CGS-D) funding program. This is the website for the harmonized CGS-D competition. The harmonized timeline and program description are also shown on this website. 

The website is hosted by NSERC, so NSERC is in the website address.  But this is where all students and programs must go, for information, guidelines, and complete instructions about the 2025-26 CGS-D competition. 

There is NOT one harmonized CGS-D application.  Each agency has its own CGS-D application and application portal.

The applications are located as follows:

  • CIHR

Student Deadline: Online application deadline is October 10, 2024 by 4:00pm Eastern Standard Time.

Call for applications is only sent out twice a year – September for Fall term conferences and February for Winter and Summer term conferences. You must be presenting in order to be considered for an award. Even if you think you will be applying to present at a conference, be sure to submit your application and supporting documents by the appropriate deadline. Students may apply for this funding once during the academic year.

Student Deadline: November 15 for Fall term conferences, and March 15 for Winter and Summer Term conferences

The Graduate Dean's Travel Grants for Doctoral Field Research contribute to travel expenses for field research that is central to the doctoral dissertation and that must be carried out at a considerable distance from Queen's University.

Student Deadline: January 10, 2025

The Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) program is designed to encourage excellence in graduate studies at the master’s and doctoral levels. 

Students apply online through the SGSPA website.

Student Deadline: January 31 (please reach out to Kristina if you have any concerns with this deadline)


International students who are studying in Ontario with a student study permit and who have established a Canadian bank account are eligible to be put forward by their Queen's home Department for an OGS International Award. Normally, the Department may put only one student forward for this award through the annual internal fellowships competition held in May/June.

Students apply online through the SGSPA website.

Student Deadline: January 31 (please reach out to Kristina if you have any concerns with this deadline)


Indigenous domestic students who are studying in Ontario are eligible to be put forward by their Queen's home Department for an OGS Indigenous Award.  In order to be considered for this award, the applicant must have self-identified by checking the relevant box in the online OGS application. Normally, the Department may put only one student forward for this award through the annual internal fellowships competition held in May/June.

Students apply online through the SGSPA website.

Student Deadline: January 31 (please reach out to Kristina if you have any concerns with this deadline)


The funding is to provide financial assistance to Ph.D. students who are in the final stages of writing their theses. The goal is to have students who receive TCF complete their program during the time they are holding TCF.

Only Full-Time Ph.D. Students who are in the 5th year of their program (for the tenure term of the funding) are eligible. Under the SGSPA terms of accepting this funding, the recipient of the funding cannot hold Teaching Assistantships, Teaching Fellowships, or Research Assistantships during the period of the funding. Students who receive TCF are not eligible to receive any subsequent awards from the SGSPA, including QGA.

Funding will be allocated based on:

  1. the viability of the plan for completing the thesis and degree program within the tenure term of the funding;
  2. academic merit;
  3. the financial need of the student; a full-time student in 5th year who is eligible for this funding (i.e., not holding a TA, TF, or RA and not exceeding the ten hours per week (average) of work rule for full-time status) is determined by the Department to be in financial need.

Student Deadline: TBA

Information For Applicants And Application Site: Details on eligibility requirements, and a link to the online application, can be found here. Note that all materials are available in French from the website.

Deadline: The deadline for students to apply directly to the Foundation for this competition is TBA.

Contact Information:

L’équipe des programmes de leadership ■ The Leadership Programs team  

La Fondation Pierre Elliott Trudeau ■ The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation  
600 – 1980, rue Sherbrooke Ouest 
Montréal (Québec) Canada  H3H 1E8 
T. +1 (514) 938-0001 #231 ■

Student Deadline: Students must apply directly to the Foundation. The application deadline is November 20, 2024.

The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) program is designed to attract and retain world-class doctoral students by offering them a significant financial award to assist them during their studies at Canadian universities.

Please read the following closely and note the deadline of this important doctoral scholarship competition

Details of the 2026-2027 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship Competition are online here: 

The deadline for complete applications to be submitted via ResearchNet, and for transcripts of applicants to be received by SGSPA, is September 23, 2024 by 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. 

The deadline for Referees Assessment to be submitted via ResearchNet is set for two days (48 hours) before the university's deadline. However, applicants can now adjust this to any date prior to the university’s deadline. It is the applicant's responsibility to follow up with referees to ensure the assessments are submitted in enough time prior to the applicant’s deadline.