Tracy Trothen Presented at the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics

Tracy Trothen gave a presentation today "at" the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics via Zoom, titled "Aging, Radical Life Extension, & Religion—Changing the Conversation." She enjoyed the discussion that followed her presentation very much and was excited to give this presentation. BUT she would have much preferred being there in person!


More information check out The Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics Website


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New Baker Postdoctoral Fellow

The School of Religion is pleased to announce that Dr. Ryan Anningson will be the Baker Postdoctoral Fellow from 2020-2022. Dr. Anningson received his PhD from Wilfrid Laurier University/University of Waterloo joint program in Religious Diversity in North America. His research focuses on the roles of race in the transmission of Buddhism to North America. His book Theories of the Self, Race, and Essentialization: The United States and the Asian “Other”: 1899-1957 is forthcoming from Routledge Press in their Critical Buddhism Series.

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New book by Pamela Dickey Young and Heather Shipley


Identities Under Construction: Religion, Gender, and Sexuality among Youth in Canada by Pamela Dickey Young and Heather Shipley has just been published by McGill-Queen’s University Press. Drawing from survey responses and interviews with nearly 500 young adults in Canada, the book explores the development, fluidity, and intertwining of religious, gender, and sexual identities.

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