Canadian Disability Policy Alliance (CDPA)
The Canadian Disability Policy Alliance (CDPA) is a national collaboration of 14 researchers in disability studies from 4 Canadian universities, 5 disability advocacy organizations, and consultants from federal and provincial governments. Since July 2009, the Alliance has conducted 27 research projects, aimed at evaluating and improving disability policy in Canada.
As of July 2013, the CDPA has completed 4 years of its five-year research agenda. In partnerships between researchers and disability advocates, we have undertaken projects covering a wide variety of issues affecting people with disabilities, including education, employment, health care, and civic engagement.
Over the coming year, we propose to disseminate these research findings to individuals and organizations involved in disability issues, such as yourself. We hope some of this information may help you to continue to achieve meaningful change for people with disabilities in Canada. Please feel free to share or use anything we send you.
The CDPA employs a unique methodology for emancipatory research and knowledge mobilization, known as the Learning Collaborative. Derived from research on health system improvement, the Learning Collaborative focuses on small but meaningful increments of change that can be readily achieved and studied, then expanded to effect broader outcomes.
In an effort to assist policy makers and policy analysts to reflect on the adequacy of policy for disabled Canadians, we developed the Disability Lens, a series of questions derived from “tips for policy analysis” (in McColl and Jongbloed, 2006. Disability and social policy in Canada, 2nd ed.) These questions are intended to provide a quick, easy guide to assessing the important implications of policy decisions for people with disabilities.
The Disability Lens (PDF - 60 KB)
Regional Assessment and Resource Centre (RARC)
Part of the mandate of the Regional Assessment and Resource Centre (RARC) is to engage in systematic, multidisciplinary research. Our research focuses on adult assessment and outcomes for persons with specific learning or attention disorders. Findings from our research efforts help ensure that students receive an accurate diagnosis of their difficulties so that appropriate treatments and supports can be put in place. We are also interested in determining which transition supports and services have the most beneficial impact for students as they transition to post-secondary studies and also into the workforce.